Estilos de vida saludable y conductas de riesgo en estudiantes de medicina F Campo, O Pombo, M Luis, V Teherán, A Anibal Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud 48 (3), 301-309, 2016 | 95 | 2016 |
A Petiveria alliacea standardized fraction induces breast adenocarcinoma cell death by modulating glycolytic metabolism JF Hernández, CP Urueña, MC Cifuentes, TA Sandoval, LM Pombo, ... Journal of Ethnopharmacology 153 (3), 641-649, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
A gallotannin-rich fraction from Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kuntze displays cytotoxic activity and raises sensitivity to doxorubicin in a leukemia cell line DM Castañeda, LM Pombo, CP Urueña, JF Hernandez, S Fiorentino BMC complementary and alternative medicine 12 (1), 38, 2012 | 66 | 2012 |
Gallotannin-rich Caesalpinia spinosa fraction decreases the primary tumor and factors associated with poor prognosis in a murine breast cancer model C Urueña, J Mancipe, J Hernandez, D Castañeda, L Pombo, A Gomez, ... BMC complementary and alternative medicine 13, 1-13, 2013 | 60 | 2013 |
Galactomannan from Caesalpinia spinosa induces phenotypic and functional maturation of human dendritic cells SP Santander, M Aoki, JF Hernandez, M Pombo, H Moins-Teisserenc, ... International immunopharmacology 11 (6), 652-660, 2011 | 52 | 2011 |
Contamination of staple crops by heavy metals in Sibaté, Colombia MF Lizarazo, CD Herrera, CA Celis, LM Pombo, AA Teherán, LG Pineros, ... Heliyon 6 (7), e04212, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Epidemiological characterisation of asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 in Colombia: a cross-sectional study AA Teherán, GC Ramos, RP De La Guardia, C Hernández, G Herrera, ... BMJ open 10 (12), e042122, 2020 | 17* | 2020 |
Composición química y actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de Pelargonium odoratissimum (l) Ihér (geraniaceae) LMP Ospina, JAM Peláez, P Borrego-Muñoz, WFC Cardona, ... Revista Facultad de Ciencias Básicas 12 (1), 74-83, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of three plant species from the Sabana of Bogota (Colombia): Myrcianthes leucoxyla, Vallea stipularis and … LMP Ospina, PB Muñoz, J Matulevich, AA Teherán, LB Villamizar Natural Product Communications 11 (12), 1934578X1601101234, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Evaluación de la Actividad Citotóxica de Extractos y Fracciones de las Especies Conyza trihecatactis y Ageratina vacciniaefolia. PB Muñoz, LR Fonseca, J Robles, S Fiorentino, J Hernández, ... Revista Facultad de Ciencias Básicas 12 (2), 212, 2016 | 9* | 2016 |
CARACTERIZACIÓN FITOQUÍMICA Y FARMACOLÓGICA DEL EXTRACTO DE LA PLANTA VIRA-VIRA (Achyrocline bogotensis H.B.K.) LM Pombo Documenta Clínica 16 (1), 11-18, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
Contamination of staple crops by heavy metals in Sibaté, Colombia. Heliyon, 6 (7), e04212 MF Lizarazo, CD Herrera, CA Celis, LM Pombo, AA Teherán, LG Piñeros, ... | 5 | 2020 |
Cocaine, ethanol, cannabis and benzodiazepines co-consumption among patients assisted at the emergency room TSL Aníbal A Teherán, Luis M Pombo, Vanessa Cadavid, María C Mejía, Jaime F ... Open Access Emergency Medicine 11, 211-219, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Immunomodulatory Properties of Natural Extracts and Compounds Derived from Bidens pilosa L.: Literature Review XM Rodríguez-Mesa, LA Contreras Bolaños, A Mejía, LM Pombo, ... Pharmaceutics 15 (5), 1491, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Caracterización etnobotánica de las plantas medicinales empleadas en el tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiometabólicas, Villa de Leyva-Boyacá JFH Antonio Luis Mejía, Luis Miguel Pombo Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales 24 (2), 1-22, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Phytoremediating Activity of Baccharis Latifolia in Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals RAOE Franco A Haiver E, Celis Crispín,Forero Sandra, Pombo Luis M International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research 9 (4), 38-43, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
The coagulant activity of the seeds of Psidium guajava L. and the Episperm of Persea americana Mill. in samples of water from the Bogotá River (Chocontá-Villapinzón) LDE Chivatá, ZCA Celis, LM Pombo, AOE Rodriguez Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11, 21, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Valoración de la actividad antitumoral de extractos y fracciones obtenidas de Caesalpinia spinosa Molina Kuntze sobre diferentes líneas celulares tumorales L Pombo Bogotá, Colombia: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Maestría en Ciencias …, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
High polarity extracts obtained from Ilex guayusa Loes. leaves, exhibit antioxidant capacity C Cárdenas, J Castañeda, M Hernández, R Oscar E, P Borrego, P Luis M JOURNAL VITAE 29 (1), 1-10, 2022 | 3* | 2022 |
Actividad antioxidante de los musgos Breutelia subdisticha, Leptodontium viticulosoides y Pylaisia falcata N Téllez-Rocha, B Moncada, LM Pombo-Ospina, OE Rodríguez-Aguirre Ciencia en Desarrollo 12 (2), 1-20, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |