António Lucas Soares
António Lucas Soares
University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering and INESCTEC
在 fe.up.pt 的电子邮件经过验证
Information, knowledge and collaboration management in the internationalisation of SMEs: A systematic literature review
E Costa, AL Soares, JP De Sousa
International Journal of Information Management 36 (4), 557-569, 2016
Providing industry 4.0 technologies: The case of a production technology cluster
G Dalmarco, FR Ramalho, AC Barros, AL Soares
The journal of high technology management research 30 (2), 100355, 2019
Knowledge sharing in project-based organizations: Overcoming the informational limbo
MV Almeida, AL Soares
International Journal of Information Management 34 (6), 770-779, 2014
Knowledge sharing barriers in complex research and development projects: an exploratory study on the perceptions of project managers
VR Santos, AL Soares, JÁ Carvalho
Knowledge and Process Management 19 (1), 27-38, 2012
Improving the quality of collaboration requirements for information management through social networks analysis
CS Pereira, AL Soares
International Journal of Information Management 27 (2), 86-103, 2007
Factors influencing the intention of managers to adopt collaborative robots (cobots) in manufacturing organizations
AC Simões, AL Soares, AC Barros
Journal of engineering and technology management 57, 101574, 2020
Industrial business associations improving the internationalisation of SMEs with digital platforms: A design science research approach
E Costa, AL Soares, JP de Sousa
International Journal of Information Management 53, 102070, 2020
Distributed planning and control systems for the virtual enterprise: organizational requirements and development life-cycle
JPS AL Soares, Américo Azevedo
journal of intelligent manufacturing 11 (3), 2000
Institutional networks for supporting the internationalisation of SMEs: the case of industrial business associations
E Costa, A Lucas Soares, J Pinho de Sousa
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 32 (8), 1182-1202, 2017
An information management approach for supply chain disruption recovery
D Messina, AC Barros, AL Soares, A Matopoulos
The International Journal of Logistics Management 31 (3), 489-519, 2020
An advanced agent-based order planning system for dynamic networked enterprises
AL Azevedo, C Toscano, JP Sousa, AL Soares
Production Planning & Control 15 (2), 133-144, 2004
Case studies on collaboration, technology and performance factors in business networks
LM Carneiro, AL Soares, R Patrício, AL Azevedo, J Pinho de Sousa
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 26 (1-2), 101-116, 2013
Performance management in collaborative networks: A methodological proposal.
RP Ferreira, JN Silva, F do Rocio Strauhs, AL Soares
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 17 (10), 1412-1429, 2011
Situating case studies within the design science research paradigm: An instantiation for collaborative networks
E Costa, AL Soares, JP de Sousa
Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World: 17th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference …, 2016
Redes colaborativas de elevado desempenho no Norte de Portugal
L Carneiro, AL Soares, R Patrício, A Alves, R Madureira, JP Sousa
Public Report. INESC Porto, 2007
Drivers impacting cobots adoption in manufacturing context: A qualitative study
AC Simões, A Lucas Soares, AC Barros
Advances in Manufacturing II: Volume 1-Solutions for Industry 4.0, 203-212, 2019
Supporting conceptualisation processes in collaborative networks: a case study on an R&D project
C Pereira, C Sousa, AL Soares
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 26 (11), 1066-1086, 2013
A vision for a platform-based digital-twin ecosystem
HD Silva, M Azevedo, AL Soares
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (1), 761-766, 2021
A PLM vision for circular economy
SF de Oliveira, AL Soares
Collaboration in a Data-Rich World: 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on …, 2017
Exploring the CIMO-logic in the design of collaborative networks mediated by digital platforms
E Costa, AL Soares, JP de Sousa
Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems: 19th IFIP WG 5.5 Working …, 2018
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