Alignment, cohesion, and change: Examining mathematics teachers’ belief structures and their influence on instructional practices DI Cross Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 12, 325-346, 2009 | 533 | 2009 |
Reflections on investigating emotion in educational activity settings PA Schutz, JY Hong, DI Cross, JN Osbon Educational psychology review 18, 343-360, 2006 | 483 | 2006 |
An ecological examination of teachers' emotions in the school context DI Cross, JY Hong Teaching and Teacher Education 28 (7), 957-967, 2012 | 362 | 2012 |
Argumentation: A strategy for improving achievement and revealing scientific identities D Cross, G Taasoobshirazi, S Hendricks, DT Hickey International Journal of Science Education 30 (6), 837-861, 2008 | 300 | 2008 |
Teacher identities, beliefs, and goals related to emotions in the classroom PA Schutz, DI Cross, JY Hong, JN Osbon Emotion in education, 223-241, 2007 | 213 | 2007 |
FIRST YEAR IMPLEMENTATION OF A PROJECT-BASED LEARNING APPROACH: THE NEED FOR ADDRESSING TEACHERS’ORIENTATIONS IN THE ERA OF REFORM MAP Rogers, DI Cross, MS Gresalfi, AE Trauth-Nare, GA Buck International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 9, 893-917, 2011 | 183 | 2011 |
Creating optimal mathematics learning environments: Combining argumentation and writing to enhance achievement DI Cross International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 7, 905-930, 2009 | 163 | 2009 |
Research on teacher identity: Introduction to mapping challenges and innovations PA Schutz, D Cross Francis, J Hong Research on teacher identity: Mapping challenges and innovations, 3-9, 2018 | 155 | 2018 |
Dispelling the notion of inconsistencies in teachers’ mathematics beliefs and practices: A 3-year case study DI Cross Francis Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 18, 173-201, 2015 | 137 | 2015 |
Beliefs and professional identity: Critical constructs in examining the impact of reform on the emotional experiences of teachers DI Cross, JY Hong Advances in teacher emotion research: The impact on teachers’ lives, 273-296, 2009 | 128 | 2009 |
Unpacking complex phenomena through qualitative inquiry: The case of teacher identity research J Hong, D Cross Francis Educational psychologist 55 (4), 208-219, 2020 | 90 | 2020 |
When does an opportunity become an opportunity? Unpacking classroom practice through the lens of ecological psychology MS Gresalfi, J Barnes, D Cross Educational Studies in Mathematics 80, 249-267, 2012 | 88 | 2012 |
“There are no emotions in math”: How teachers approach emotions in the classroom M Williams-Johnson, D Cross, J Hong, L Aultman, J Osbon, P Schutz Teachers College Record 110 (8), 1574-1610, 2008 | 88 | 2008 |
Assessment as learning: Enhancing discourse, understanding, and achievement in innovative science curricula DT Hickey, G Taasoobshirazi, D Cross Journal of Research in Science Teaching 49 (10), 1240-1270, 2012 | 66 | 2012 |
Reflections on investigating emotions among educational contexts PA Schutz, JY Hong, DI Cross, JN Osbon Educational Psychology Review 18 (4), 343-360, 2006 | 62 | 2006 |
Mathematics teachers’ beliefs about mathematics and links to students’ learning DS Mewborn, DI Cross The learning of mathematics, 259-269, 2007 | 60 | 2007 |
Investigating the relationships among elementary teachers’ perceptions of the use of students’ thinking, their professional noticing skills, and their teaching practices MY Lee, DC Francis The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 51, 118-128, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Teachers’ goals, beliefs, emotions, and identity development: Investigating complexities in the profession PA Schutz, J Hong, DC Francis Routledge, 2020 | 57 | 2020 |
The individual, the context, and practice: A review of the research on teachers' beliefs related to mathematics DC Francis, L Rapacki, A Eker International handbook of research on teachers' beliefs, 336-352, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Research on teacher identity: Common themes, implications, and future directions J Hong, D Cross Francis, PA Schutz Research on teacher identity: Mapping challenges and innovations, 243-251, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |