Gianna Rea-Sandin
Gianna Rea-Sandin
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota
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A systematic review and meta-analysis of racial/ethnic differences and similarities in executive function performance in the United States.
G Rea-Sandin, KM Korous, JM Causadias
Neuropsychology 35 (2), 141, 2021
Arizona Twin Project: Specificity in risk and resilience for developmental psychopathology and health
K Lemery-Chalfant, V Oro, G Rea-Sandin, S Miadich, E Lecarie, S Clifford, ...
Twin Research and Human Genetics 22 (6), 681-685, 2019
Genes for good: engaging the public in genetics research via social media
K Brieger, GJM Zajac, A Pandit, JR Foerster, KW Li, AC Annis, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 105 (1), 65-77, 2019
The importance of research about research on culture: A call for meta-research on culture.
JM Causadias, KM Korous, KM Cahill, G Rea-Sandin
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 29 (1), 85, 2023
Shifting the discourse on disability: Moving to an inclusive, intersectional focus.
AH Brinkman, G Rea-Sandin, EM Lund, OM Fitzpatrick, MS Gusman, ...
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 93 (1), 50, 2023
Educational attainment polygenic score predicts inhibitory control and academic skills in early and middle childhood
G Rea‐Sandin, V Oro, E Strouse, S Clifford, MN Wilson, DS Shaw, ...
Genes, Brain and Behavior 20 (7), e12762, 2021
Early life socioeconomic differences in associations between childhood sleep and academic performance
G Rea-Sandin, RS Breitenstein, LD Doane, E Vakulskas, C Valiente, ...
Journal of applied developmental psychology 79, 101392, 2022
Validating online measures of cognitive ability in genes for good, a genetic study of health and behavior
MZ Liu, G Rea-Sandin, J Foerster, L Fritsche, K Brieger, C Clark, K Li, ...
Assessment 27 (1), 136-148, 2020
Toddler risk and protective characteristics: Common and unique genetic and environmental influences
G Rea‐Sandin, S Clifford, C Valiente, K Lemery‐Chalfant
Social Development 28 (2), 482-498, 2019
Genetic and environmental links between executive functioning and effortful control in middle childhood.
G Rea-Sandin, S Clifford, LD Doane, MC Davis, KJ Grimm, MT Russell, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 152 (3), 780, 2023
Ethnic/racial disparities in DNA methylation age profiles across the lifespan
J Del Toro, C Freilich, G Rea-Sandin, K Markon, S Wilson, R Krueger
PsyArXiv, 2023
Novel Measures of Culture and Their Relation to Self-Regulation in Middle Childhood: A Genetically Informed Twin Study
G Rea-Sandin
Arizona State University, 2022
The protective role of parent positive personality and emotional availability in toddler problem behavior
G Rea-Sandin, TC Vasquez-O'Brien, K Lemery-Chalfant
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 66 (3), 227-251, 2020
Genetic and environmental influences on executive functioning in middle childhood: the role of early adversity
G Rea-Sandin
Arizona State University, 2018
Novel measures of family orientation and childhood self-regulation: A genetically informed twin study.
G Rea-Sandin, CP Li-Grining, JM Causadias, LD Doane, NA Gonzales, ...
Journal of Family Psychology, 2023
The Heritability of Psychopathology Symptoms in Early Adolescence: Moderation by Family Cultural Values in the ABCD Study
G Rea-Sandin, J Del Toro, S Wilson
Behavior genetics 54 (1), 119-136, 2024
Examining familism discrepancies in early adolescence: Effects on adolescent well-being and family dynamics
G Rea-Sandin, S Wilson
OSF, 2023
Evaluating longitudinal relationships between parental monitoring and substance use in a multi-year, intensive longitudinal study of 670 adolescent twins
JD Alexander, SM Freis, SM Zellers, R Corley, A Ledbetter, RK Schneider, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 14, 1149079, 2023
Early Prevention: Breaking the Link between Genetic Risk and Externalizing Problems
K Lemery-Chalfant, V Oro, S Clifford, G Rea-Sandin, JY Tein, D Shaw, ...
SPR Virtual 29th Annual Meeting, 2021
176 Linear and Nonlinear Associations Between Sleep and Academic Achievement in Middle Childhood: The Role of Early Life SES
G Rea-Sandin, R Breitenstein, L Doane, E Vakulskas, C Valiente, ...
Sleep 44 (Supplement_2), A71-A72, 2021
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