Genre approach to celebrity politics N Ribke Palgrave Macmillan., 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
Decoding television censorship during the last Brazilian military regime: The censor as negotiator and censorship as a semi-open interpretative process N Ribke Media History 17 (1), 49-61, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |
Telenovela writers under the military regime in Brazil: Beyond the cooption and resistance dichotomy N Ribke Media, Culture & Society 33 (5), 659-673, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Fauda television series and the turning of asymmetrical conflict into television entertainment N Ribke Media, Culture & Society 41 (8), 1245-1260, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Entertainment politics: Brazilian celebrities’ transition to politics, recent history and main patterns N Ribke Media, Culture & Society 37 (1), 35-49, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Media imperialism beyond the Anglo-Saxon axis, or negotiated hybridity? Neo-Orientalist telenovelas and transnational business in Brazilian television N Ribke Journal of Consumer Culture 17 (3), 562-578, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Ratings, the state and globalization: the politics of television audience measurement in Israel J Bourdon, N Ribke Media, Culture & Society 38 (2), 159-174, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Transnational Latin American television: Genres, formats and adaptations N Ribke Routledge, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Global maladies, local in treatment:“quality” TV fiction formats, glocal forms of prestige, and cumulative cross-cultural dialogues N Ribke International Journal of Communication 10, 18, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
The genre of live studio audience programmes in a political context: The Flavio Cavalcanti Show and the Brazilian military regime N Ribke Screen 54 (3), 355-370, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Writing the History of Telenovelas under Brazilian Military Rule (1964–1985): Censorship Reports Instead of Audiovisual Archives? N Ribke Critical Studies in Television 5 (2), 146-153, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
Transnational activism, new and old media: the case of Israeli adoptees from brazil N Ribke, J Bourdon new media & society 18 (11), 2649-2663, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Juan Carlos Blumberg and the Populism of Fear Politics in Argentina: Converting Mediatic Crimes into Political Capital N Ribke, N Ribke A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics: Global Patterns of Passage from …, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
Modeling politics? Female fashion models’ transition into Israeli politics N Ribke European Journal of Cultural Studies 17 (2), 170-186, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
The brazilian military regime and television censorship: between the internal logics of production and the political context N Ribke Revista de História (São Paulo), 323-348, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
The ugly’vs ‘The beautiful’Israeli: Struggles over defining Israeli identity N Ribke Israel: Tel Aviv University, 2004 | 4 | 2004 |
Entertainment industries and ‘liberal’celebrities: the failure to convert attention into political power N Ribke, N Ribke A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics: Global Patterns of Passage from …, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Rumo a uma abordagem transnacional da televisão latino-americana: trajetórias, fronteiras e centros e periferias N Ribke Matrizes 15 (2), 55-71, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Latin American television series on Netflix, local audiences, and the global search for the “authentic-exotic” N Ribke Transnational Latin American Television: Genres, Formats and Adaptations …, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Telemontecarlo as a (failed) Italo-Brazilian communications experiment: South – South transnational business, politics and culture (1985-1994) N Ribke Media History, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |