Anna Roos
Anna Roos
Swedish Museum of Natural History and Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
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Concentrations of sDDT and PCB in seals from Swedish and Scottish waters.
G Blomkvist, A Roos, S Jensen, A Bignert, M Olsson
Levels and trends of poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances in the Arctic environment–An update
D Muir, R Bossi, P Carlsson, M Evans, A De Silva, C Halsall, C Rauert, ...
Emerging Contaminants 5, 240-271, 2019
The otter (Lutra lutra) in Sweden—population trends in relation to ΣDDT and total PCB concentrations during 1968–99
A Roos, E Greyerz, M Olsson, F Sandegren
Environmental Pollution 111 (3), 457-469, 2001
Improved reproductive success in otters (Lutra lutra), grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) from Sweden in relation to concentrations of …
AM Roos, BMVM Bäcklin, BO Helander, FF Rigét, UC Eriksson
Environmental Pollution 170, 268-275, 2012
Lutra lutra
A Roos, A Loy, P De Silva, P Hajkova, B Zemanová
The IUCN red list of threatened species 2015, e. T12419A21935287, 2015
Mitochondrial Control Region and microsatellite analyses on harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) unravel population differentiation in the Baltic Sea and …
A Wiemann, LW Andersen, P Berggren, U Siebert, H Benke, J Teilmann, ...
Conservation Genetics 11, 195-211, 2010
Metal concentrations in seals from Swedish waters
S Waters
Ambio 21 (8), 529, 1992
Accumulation of short-, medium-, and long-chain chlorinated paraffins in marine and terrestrial animals from Scandinavia
B Yuan, K Vorkamp, AM Roos, S Faxneld, C Sonne, SE Garbus, Y Lind, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (7), 3526-3537, 2019
Health effects from contaminant exposure in Baltic Sea birds and marine mammals: A review
C Sonne, U Siebert, K Gonnsen, JP Desforges, I Eulaers, S Persson, ...
Environment international 139, 105725, 2020
Fluorine mass balance and suspect screening in marine mammals from the northern hemisphere
KM Spaan, C van Noordenburg, MM Plassmann, L Schultes, S Shaw, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (7), 4046-4058, 2020
Spatially explicit analysis of genome-wide SNPs detects subtle population structure in a mobile marine mammal, the harbor porpoise
L Lah, D Trense, H Benke, P Berggren, Þ Gunnlaugsson, C Lockyer, ...
PloS one 11 (10), e0162792, 2016
Comparison of PFASs contamination in the freshwater and terrestrial environments by analysis of eggs from osprey (Pandion haliaetus), tawny owl (Strix aluco), and common …
U Eriksson, A Roos, Y Lind, K Hope, A Ekblad, A Kärrman
Environmental research 149, 40-47, 2016
Organohalogen compounds of emerging concern in Baltic Sea biota: Levels, biomagnification potential and comparisons with legacy contaminants
CA De Wit, R Bossi, R Dietz, A Dreyer, S Faxneld, SE Garbus, P Hellström, ...
Environment International 144, 106037, 2020
Temporal trends of PBDD/Fs, PCDD/Fs, PBDEs and PCBs in ringed seals from the Baltic Sea (Pusa hispida botnica) between 1974 and 2015
F Bjurlid, A Roos, IE Jogsten, J Hagberg
Science of the Total Environment 616, 1374-1383, 2018
Lutra lutra
J Ruiz-Olmo, A Loy, C Cianfrani, P Yoxon, G Yoxon, PK De Silva, A Roos, ...
International Union for Conservation of Nature red list of threat-ened …, 2009
Increasing Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Scandinavian Otters (Lutra lutra) between 1972 and 2011: A New Threat to the Otter Population?
A Roos, U Berger, U Järnberg, J van Dijk, A Bignert
Environmental science & technology 47 (20), 11757-11765, 2013
Determination of 56 per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in top predators and their prey from Northern Europe by LC-MS/MS
A Androulakakis, N Alygizakis, G Gkotsis, MC Nika, V Nikolopoulou, ...
Chemosphere 287, 131775, 2022
Reprint of: Temporal trends of polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in liver tissue of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from the Baltic Sea, 1974–2008
J Kratzer, L Ahrens, A Roos, BM Bäcklin, R Ebinghaus
Chemosphere 85 (2), 253-261, 2011
Determination of atropisomeric and planar polychlorinated biphenyls, their enantiomeric fractions and tissue distribution in grey seals using comprehensive 2D gas chromatography
M Harju, A Bergman, M Olsson, A Roos, P Haglund
Journal of Chromatography A 1019 (1-2), 127-142, 2003
Concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs in seals from Swedish waters
S Bergek, PA Bergqvist, M Hjelt, M Olsson, C Rappe, A Roos, D Zook
Ambio, 553-556, 1992
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