setya chendra wibawa
setya chendra wibawa
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The design and implementation of an educational multimedia interactive operation system using Lectora Inspire
SC Wibawa, R Harimurti, Y Anistyasari, MS Sumbawati
Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education) 2 (1), 74-79, 2017
Journal of Physics. Conference Series
YS Rahayu, R Ekawati, ABD Nandiyanto, A Lukito, SC Wibawa, ...
Journal of Physics. Conference Series 2018 (940-1149), 2018
The effect of thematic learning model, learning style, and reading ability on the students’ learning outcomes
L Nurlaela, M Samani, IGP Asto, SC Wibawa
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 296 (1), 012039, 2018
Pengembangan sistem kuesioner daring dengan metode weight product untuk mengetahui kepuasan pendidikan komputer pada lpk cyber computer
WT Fendya, SC Wibawa
IT-Edu: Jurnal Information Technology and Education 3 (01), 2018
Creative digital worksheet base on mobile learning
SC Wibawa, R Cholifah, AW Utami, AI Nurhidayat
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (1), 012130, 2018
Potensi pemanfaatan augmented reality sebagai media pembelajaran terhadap motivasi belajar dan respon siswa
M Zulfahmi, SC Wibawa
IT-Edu: Jurnal Information Technology and Education 5 (01), 334-343, 2020
Online test application development using framework CodeIgniter
SC Wibawa, Y Wahyuningsih, R Sulistyowati, R Abidin, Y Lestari, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 296 (1), 012041, 2018
Students’ Creative e-Portfolios: Using Android Cell Phone Cameras for Inventive Beauty Photography
SC Wibawa, B Clark-Gareca
2014 International Conference on Advances in Education Technology (ICAET-14 …, 2015
Beauty media learning using Android mobile phone
SC Wibawa, S Schulte
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering 11 (2 …, 2015
Development of vocational interactive multimedia based on mobile learning
MS Sumbawati, RC Wibawa, SC Wibawa
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (1), 012101, 2018
Opinion analysis on Rohingya using Twitter data
N Rochmawati, SC Wibawa
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 336 (1), 012013, 2018
The comparison of Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR), Scopus, and SINTA profile: A case of the top Indonesian Institutions
N Suprapto, NW Kusnanik, SS Iriani, SC Wibawa, S Sujarwanto, ...
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 5788, 1-11, 2021
Pengaruh model pembelajaran massive open online courses terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik
MB Pambudi, SC Wibawa
IT-Edu: Jurnal Information Technology and Education 5 (01), 294-302, 2020
Studi literatur pengembangan motion graphic video sebagai tren media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar
RD Saputra, SC Wibawa
IT-Edu: Jurnal Information Technology and Education 5 (01), 371-379, 2020
Batik AR ver. 1.0: Augmented Reality application as gamification of batik design using waterfall method
B Sobandi, SC Wibawa, T Triyanto, S Syakir, A Pandanwangi, S Suryadi, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1987 (1), 012021, 2021
Moodle mobile development in enjoyable learning in computer system subjects
SC Wibawa, E Sulistiyo, N Martiningsih, E Handoyo, A Johan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (3), 032017, 2020
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Daring Dengan Metode Q&A Menggunakan Aplikasi Crossword Puzzle Game Terhadap Penerimaan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Dengan User Acceptance Test
HE Kartikawati, SC Wibawa
IT-Edu: Jurnal Information Technology and Education 5 (01), 307-316, 2020
Nazief & Adriani Stemming Algorithm With Cosine Similarity Method For Integrated Telegram Chatbots With Service
I Prismana, DR Prehanto, DA Dermawan, AC Herlingga, SC Wibawa
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (1), 012039, 2021
Digital addiction in Indonesian adolescent
F Mutimmatul, SC Wibawa, R Ekawati
Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference …, 2018
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Telegram Pada Mata Pelajaran Teknik Pengolahan Video Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berfikir Kognitif Siswa
SD Anggraini, SC Wibawa
IT-Edu: Jurnal Information Technology and Education 3 (02), 2018
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