Between you and me: Setting work-nonwork boundaries in the context of workplace relationships Š Trefalt Academy of Management Journal 56 (6), 1802-1829, 2013 | 164 | 2013 |
Work-life experiences in rapidly changing national contexts: Structural misalignment, comparisons and choice overload as explanatory mechanisms Š Trefalt, M Drnovšek, A Svetina-Nabergoj, RV Adlešič European Management Journal 31 (5), 448-463, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |
How national context moderates the impact of family-supportive supervisory behavior on job performance and turnover intentions M Las Heras, S Trefalt, PI Escribano Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management …, 2015 | 46 | 2015 |
How network properties affect one’s ability to obtain benefits: A network simulation Š Trefalt Journal of Management Education 38 (5), 672-700, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Teaching “How”—Not “Whether”—to manage with integrity: Undergraduate and MBA application of the “Giving Voice to Values” curriculum CP Adkins, MC Gentile, C Ingols, S Trefalt Management Education for Integrity, 107-133, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
Integrating giving voice to values across the MBA curriculum: The case of Simmons School of Management S Trefalt Journal of Business Ethics Education 8, 326, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Interpersonal aspects of justice in workplace flexibility S Trefalt Work and Family Encyclopedia, 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
Leading organizational change: Semester-long project Š Trefalt Management Teaching Review 5 (1), 41-58, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Learning from women who make it work S Trefalt, L Perlow Qualitative Organizational Research, 227-252, 2005 | 4 | 2005 |
Between you and me: A relational perspective on managing work-nonwork boundaries Š Trefalt Harvard Business School, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |
Hiding in plain sight: Co-enacting the sustainable worker schema in a consulting firm ED Heaphy, Š Trefalt Organization Science, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Process and management expertise: The relational construction of temporal flexibility S Trefalt, E Heaphy Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 11125, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Fairly flexible: Preventing perceptions of unfairness in enactment of workplace flexibility Š Trefalt Expanding the Boundaries of Work-Family Research: A Vision for the Future …, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
The Journey from Data to Qualitative Inductive Paper: Who Helps and How? Š Trefalt, ML Besharov Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research, 401-410, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Friends or Foes: Attorneys' Narratives of Balancing Work and Life S Trefalt Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 14699, 2019 | | 2019 |
Coaching Across the Career: Recognizing the Importance of Context in Coaching DA O'Neil, J Shaffner, S Taylor, S Trefalt Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 15727, 2019 | | 2019 |
How National Context Moderates the Effect of FSSB on Job Performance and Turnover Intentions M Las Heras, S Trefalt, PI Escribano Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 11126, 2014 | | 2014 |
The Autonomy-Interdependence Paradox: Achieving temporal flexibility in professional services S Trefalt, E Heaphy Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 10750, 2012 | | 2012 |
Sloan Network Encyclopedia Entry Š Trefalt | | 2010 |