Rim Anabtawi
Rim Anabtawi
Khalifa University
在 ku.ac.ae 的电子邮件经过验证
Connectivity in superblock street networks: Measuring distance, directness, and the diversity of pedestrian paths
M Scoppa, R Anabtawi
Sustainability 13 (24), 13862, 2021
Measuring street network efficiency and block sizes in superblocks—Addressing the gap between policy and practice
R Anabtawi, M Scoppa
Buildings 12 (10), 1686, 2022
Energy optimization for fenestration design: evidence-based retrofitting solution for office buildings in the UAE
Y Abdou, YK Kim, A Abdou, R Anabtawi
Buildings 12 (10), 1541, 2022
Exploring the Limitations of Pedestrian Route Directness: A Correlation between Sensitivity and Radius Variability
F Daghash, R Anabtawi, YJ Byon, K Alawadi
Buildings 13 (10), 2612, 2023
From local to global: uniting neighborhood planning units for more efficient walks
K Alawadi, R Anabtawi, I Ismail, M Alshehhi
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 23, 101014, 2024
Investigating street connectivity of superblocks with equal street construction cost
R Anabtawi, M Scoppa
AIP Conference Proceedings 2928 (1), 2023
Exploring the Limitations of Pedestrian Route Directness: A Correlation between Sensitivity and Radius Variability. Buildings 2023, 13, 2612
F Daghash, R Anabtawi, YJ Byon, K Al Awadi
Metric Analysis of Superblock Street Network Designs: Implications for Supporting Non-motorized Travel and Land Use Planning Strategies
M Scoppa, R Anabtawi
International Conference on Urban Planning and Architectural Design for …, 2022
Energy Optimization for Fenestration Design: Evidence-Based Retrofitting Solution for Office Buildings in the UAE. Buildings 2022, 12, 1541
Y Abdou, YK KIM, A Abdou, R Anabtawi
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Connectivity in Superblock Street Networks: Measuring Distance, Directness, and the Diversity of Pedestrian Paths. Sustainability 2021, 13, 13862
M Scoppa, R Anabtawi
Urban Street Networks and Sustainable Transportation, 81, 2021
Investigation of Social Sustainability Factors in the Public Market during the Pandemic; The Case of Al Ain Market, UAE
R Anabtawi, S Bleibleh
8th Zero Energy Mass Custom Home International Conference, ZEMCH 2021, 1006-1015, 2021
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
K Alawadi, R Anabtawi, I Ismail, M Alshehhi
文章 1–12