Travis L. Dixon
Travis L. Dixon
Professor of Communication, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Overrepresentation and underrepresentation of African Americans and Latinos as lawbreakers on television news
TL Dixon, D Linz
Journal of communication 50 (2), 131-154, 2000
Race and the misrepresentation of victimization on local television news
TL Dixon, D Linz
Communication research 27 (5), 547-573, 2000
Skin Tone, Crime News, and Social Reality Judgments: Priming the Stereotype of the Dark and Dangerous Black Criminal1
TL Dixon, KB Maddox
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 35 (8), 1555-1570, 2005
Crime news and racialized beliefs: Understanding the relationship between local news viewing and perceptions of African Americans and crime
TL Dixon
Journal of communication 58 (1), 106-125, 2008
The changing misrepresentation of race and crime on network and cable news
TL Dixon, CL Williams
Journal of Communication 65 (1), 24-39, 2015
The portrayal of race and crime on television network news
TL Dixon, CL Azocar, M Casas
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 47 (4), 498-523, 2003
Psychological reactions to crime news portrayals of Black criminals: Understanding the moderating roles of prior news viewing and stereotype endorsement
TL Dixon
Communication Monographs 73 (2), 162-187, 2006
Priming crime and activating blackness: Understanding the psychological impact of the overrepresentation of blacks as lawbreakers on television news
TL Dixon, CL Azocar
Journal of communication 57 (2), 229-253, 2007
Controversial rap themes, gender portrayals and skin tone distortion: A content analysis of rap music videos
K Conrad, TL Dixon, Y Zhang
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 53 (1), 134-156, 2009
Network news and racial beliefs: Exploring the connection between national television news exposure and stereotypical perceptions of African Americans
TL Dixon
Journal of Communication 58 (2), 321-337, 2008
News on the net: Credibility, selective exposure, and racial prejudice
DB Melican, TL Dixon
Communication Research 35 (2), 151-168, 2008
Black criminals and White officers: The effects of racially misrepresenting law breakers and law defenders on television news
TL Dixon
Media Psychology 10 (2), 270-291, 2007
Good guys are still always in white? Positive change and continued misrepresentation of race and crime on local television news
TL Dixon
Communication Research 44 (6), 775-792, 2017
Body surveillance on Instagram: Examining the role of selfie feedback investment in young adult women’s body image concerns
CP Butkowski, TL Dixon, K Weeks
Sex Roles 81, 385-397, 2019
Television news, prejudicial pretrial publicity, and the depiction of race
TL Dixon, D Linz
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 46 (1), 112-136, 2002
The influence of race in police–civilian interactions: A content analysis of videotaped interactions taken during Cincinnati police traffic stops
TL Dixon, TL Schell, H Giles, KL Drogos
Journal of communication 58 (3), 530-549, 2008
Rap music videos and African American women's body image: The moderating role of ethnic identity
Y Zhang, TL Dixon, K Conrad
Journal of communication 59 (2), 262-278, 2009
Female body image as a function of themes in rap music videos: A content analysis
Y Zhang, TL Dixon, K Conrad
Sex roles 62, 787-797, 2010
Viewer ethnicity matters: Black crime in TV News and its impact on decisions regarding public policy
RJ Hurley, J Jensen, A Weaver, T Dixon
Journal of Social Issues 71 (1), 155-170, 2015
Self-esteem, misogyny and afrocentricity: An examination of the relationship between rap music consumption and African American perceptions
TL Dixon, Y Zhang, K Conrad
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12 (3), 345-360, 2009
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