Van Thuy Hoang (Thuy Hoang)
Van Thuy Hoang (Thuy Hoang)
其他姓名Thuy Hoang
The University of Sydney, Australia; Vinh University, Vietnam
在 sydney.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Optical properties of buffers and cell culture media for optofluidic and sensing applications
VT Hoang, G Stępniewski, KH Czarnecka, R Kasztelanic, VC Long, ...
Applied Sciences 9 (6), 1145, 2019
All-normal dispersion supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers with large hollow cores infiltrated with toluene
VT Hoang, R Kasztelanic, A Anuszkiewicz, G Stepniewski, A Filipkowski, ...
Optical materials express 8 (11), 3568-3582, 2018
Supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with nitrobenzene
LC Van, VT Hoang, K Borzycki, KD Xuan, VT Quoc, M Trippenbach, ...
Laser Physics 30 (3), 035105, 2020
Optimization of optical properties of photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with chloroform for supercontinuum generation
C Van Lanh, VT Hoang, K Borzycki, KD Xuan, VT Quoc, M Trippenbach, ...
Laser Physics 29 (7), 075107, 2019
Supercontinuum generation in an all-normal dispersion large core photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with carbon tetrachloride
VT Hoang, R Kasztelanic, A Filipkowski, G Stępniewski, D Pysz, ...
Optical materials express 9 (5), 2264-2278, 2019
Supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with tetrachloroethylene
HV Le, VT Hoang, HT Nguyen, VC Long, R Buczynski, R Kasztelanic
Optical and quantum electronics 53, 1-18, 2021
Femtosecond supercontinuum generation around 1560 nm in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers filled with carbon tetrachloride
VT Hoang, R Kasztelanic, G Stępniewski, KD Xuan, M Trippenbach, ...
Applied Optics 59 (12), 3720-3725, 2020
Silica-based photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with 1, 2-dibromoethane for supercontinuum generation
H Le Van, VT Hoang, T Le Canh, QH Dinh, HT Nguyen, NVT Minh, ...
Applied Optics 60 (24), 7268-7278, 2021
Low pump power coherent supercontinuum generation in heavy metal oxide solid-core photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with carbon tetrachloride covering 930–2500 nm
H Van Le, VT Hoang, G Stępniewski, T Le Canh, NVT Minh, R Kasztelanic, ...
Optics Express 29 (24), 39586-39600, 2021
Supercontinuum generation in benzene-filled hollow-core fibers
L Chu Van, VT Hoang, VC Long, K Borzycki, KD Xuan, VT Quoc, ...
Optical Engineering 60 (11), 116109-116109, 2021
Multi-octave supercontinuum generation in As2Se3 chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber
LC Van, TN Thi, BT Le Tran, DH Trong, NVT Minh, H Van Le, VT Hoang
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 48, 100986, 2022
Supercontinuum generation in chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with liquid
LC Van, KD Xuan, T Le Canh, TT Doan, TN Thi, H Van Le, VT Hoang
Optical Materials 137, 113547, 2023
Supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion suspended core fiber infiltrated with water
T Le Canh, VT Hoang, H Le Van, D Pysz, TB Dinh, DT Nguyen, QH Dinh, ...
Optical Materials Express 10 (7), 1733-1748, 2020
Optimizing supercontinuum spectro-temporal properties by leveraging machine learning towards multi-photon microscopy
VT Hoang, Y Boussafa, L Sader, S Février, V Couderc, B Wetzel
Frontiers in Photonics 3, 940902, 2022
Observation of Brillouin scattering in a high-index doped silica chip waveguide
M Zerbib, VT Hoang, JC Beugnot, KP Huy, B Little, ST Chu, DJ Moss, ...
Results in Physics 52, 106830, 2023
Antiresonant fibers with single-and double-ring capillaries for optofluidic applications
VT Hoang, D Dobrakowski, G Stępniewski, R Kasztelanic, D Pysz, ...
Optics Express 28 (22), 32483-32498, 2020
Enhancement of UV-visible transmission characteristics in wet-etched hollow core anti-resonant fibers
VT Hoang, G Stępniewski, R Kasztelanic, D Pysz, KX Dinh, M Klimczak, ...
Optics Express 29 (12), 18243-18262, 2021
Supercontinuum generation in highly birefringent fiber infiltrated with carbon disulfide
LC Van, BT Le Tran, TD Van, NVT Minh, TN Thi, HPN Thi, MHT Nguyen, ...
Optical Fiber Technology 75, 103151, 2023
Modeling of lead-bismuth gallate glass ultra-flatted normal dispersion photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with tetrachloroethylene for high coherence mid-infrared …
LC Van, H Van Le, ND Nguyen, NVT Minh, QH Dinh, VT Hoang, TN Thi, ...
Laser Physics 32 (5), 055102, 2022
Multioctave supercontinuum generation in As2Se3 chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber
CV Lanh, NT Thuy, TLT Bao, HT Duc, VTM Ngoc, VL Hieu, TH Van
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 48, 100986, 2022
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