Jia Junjie
Determining dominating control mechanisms of inland water carbon cycling processes and associated gross primary productivity on regional and global scales
Y Gao, J Jia, Y Lu, T Yang, S Lyu, K Shi, F Zhou, G Yu
Earth-Science Reviews 213, 103497, 2021
Identifying the main drivers of change of phytoplankton community structure and gross primary productivity in a river-lake system
J Jia, Y Gao, F Zhou, K Shi, PJ Johnes, JAJ Dungait, M Ma, Y Lu
Journal of Hydrology 583, 124633, 2020
Water level as the key controlling regulator associated with nutrient and gross primary productivity changes in a large floodplain-lake system (Lake Poyang), China
S Wang, Y Gao, J Jia, S Kun, S Lyu, Z Li, Y Lu, X Wen
Journal of Hydrology 599, 126414, 2021
Phytoplankton community response to nutrients along lake salinity and altitude gradients on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Z Li, Y Gao, S Wang, Y Lu, K Sun, J Jia, Y Wang
Ecological indicators 128, 107848, 2021
Characteristics of phytoplankton community and water net primary productivity response to the nutrient status of the Poyang Lake and Gan River, China
J Jia, Y Gao, X Song, S Chen
Ecohydrology 12 (7), e2136, 2019
Driving mechanisms of gross primary productivity geographical patterns for Qinghai–Tibet Plateau lake systems
J Jia, Y Wang, Y Lu, K Sun, S Lyu, Y Gao
Science of The Total Environment 791, 148286, 2021
Changes in chlorophyll a and its response to nitrogen and phosphorus characteristics over the past three decades in Poyang Lake, China
M Ma, J Jia, Y Hu, J Yang, Y Lu, K Shi, Y Gao
Ecohydrology 14 (3), e2270, 2021
Trace metal effects on gross primary productivity and its associative environmental risk assessment in a subtropical lake, China
J Jia, Y Gao, Y Lu, K Shi, Z Li, S Wang
Environmental Pollution 259, 113848, 2020
Vertically stratified water source characteristics and associated driving mechanisms of particulate organic carbon in a large floodplain lake system
S Wang, Y Gao, J Jia, Y Lu, K Sun, X Ha, Z Li, W Deng
Water Research 209, 117963, 2022
Acid deposition and assessment of its critical load for the environmental health of waterbodies in a subtropical watershed, China
J Jia, Y Gao
Journal of Hydrology 555, 155-168, 2017
Determining whether Qinghai–Tibet Plateau waterbodies have acted like carbon sinks or sources over the past 20 years
J Jia, K Sun, S Lü, M Li, Y Wang, G Yu, Y Gao
Science Bulletin 67 (22), 2345-2357, 2022
Carbon budget and balance critical processes of the regional land-water-air interface: Indicating the earth system’s carbon neutrality
Y Gao, S Wang, Y Lu, J Liu, S Lyu, K Sun, J Jia, Z Li, G Yu
Science China Earth Sciences 65 (5), 773-782, 2022
Carbon transportation, transformation, and sedimentation processes at the land-river-estuary continuum
Y Gao, J Jia, Y Lu, K Sun, J Wang, S Wang
Fundamental Research, 2022
Progress in watershed geography in the Yangtze River Basin and the affiliated ecological security perspective in the past 20 years, China
Y Gao, J Jia, Y Lu, X Sun, X Wen, N He, T Yang
Journal of Geographical Sciences 30, 867-880, 2020
Geochemical isotopic composition in the Loess Plateau and corresponding source analyses: A case study of China's Yangjuangou catchment
Y Wang, L Chen, Y Gao, S Chen, W Chen, Z Hao, J Jia, N Han
Science of the Total Environment 581, 794-800, 2017
Revealing carbon balance characteristics in a water conveyance-type lake and differences in carbon sources through its connective hydrological channels
Y Lu, Y Gao, J Jia, S Xia, X Wen, X Yu, K Shi, Z Li, S Wang
Journal of Hydrology 592, 125820, 2021
Understanding how inland lake system environmental gradients on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau impact the geographical patterns of carbon and water sources or sink
Y Lu, Y Gao, JAJ Dungait, J Jia, K Sun, S Wang, Y Wang, Z Li
Journal of Hydrology 604, 127219, 2022
Trace metal spatial patterns and associated ecological toxic effects on phytoplankton in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau lake systems along with environmental gradients
D Shen, Y Wang, J Jia, J Wang, F Wang, Y Lu, S Wang, Z Li, Y Gao
Journal of Hydrology 610, 127892, 2022
Evolving geographical gross primary productivity patterns in global lake systems and controlling mechanisms of associated phytoplankton communities since the 1950s
J Jia, Y Gao, B Qin, JAJ Dungait, Y Liu, Y Lu, K Shi, G Yu
Earth-Science Reviews 234, 104221, 2022
Phytoplankton community composition, carbon sequestration, and associated regulatory mechanisms in a floodplain lake system
J Jia, Y Gao, K Sun, Y Lu, J Wang, K Shi
Environmental Pollution 306, 119411, 2022
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