Masoud Fallah Shorshani
Masoud Fallah Shorshani
Senior Research Associate, University Southern of California
在 USC.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Nonpoint source pollution of urban stormwater runoff: a methodology for source analysis
G Petrucci, MC Gromaire, MF Shorshani, G Chebbo
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 10225-10242, 2014
Modelling chain for the effect of road traffic on air and water quality: Techniques, current status and future prospects
MF Shorshani, M André, C Bonhomme, C Seigneur
Environmental Modelling & Software 64, 102-123, 2015
Integrating a street-canyon model with a regional Gaussian dispersion model for improved characterisation of near-road air pollution
M Fallah-Shorshani, M Shekarrizfard, M Hatzopoulou
Atmospheric environment 153, 21-31, 2017
Road traffic impact on urban water quality: a step towards integrated traffic, air and stormwater modelling
M Fallah Shorshani, C Bonhomme, G Petrucci, M André, C Seigneur
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 5297-5310, 2014
Characterizing near-road air pollution using local-scale emission and dispersion models and validation against in-situ measurements
A Wang, M Fallah-Shorshani, J Xu, M Hatzopoulou
Atmospheric Environment 142, 452-464, 2016
Evaluation of regional and local atmospheric dispersion models for the analysis of traffic-related air pollution in urban areas
M Fallah-Shorshani, M Shekarrizfard, M Hatzopoulou
Atmospheric Environment 167, 270-282, 2017
Coupling traffic, pollutant emission, air and water quality models: technical review and perspectives
M Fallahshorshani, M André, C Bonhomme, C Seigneur
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 1794-1804, 2012
Contrasting the direct use of data from traffic radars and video-cameras with traffic simulation in the estimation of road emissions and PM hotspot analysis
J Xu, N Hilker, M Turchet, MK Al-Rijleh, R Tu, A Wang, M Fallahshorshani, ...
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 62, 90-101, 2018
Evaluating the impact of neighborhood characteristics on differences between residential and mobility-based exposures to outdoor air pollution
M Fallah-Shorshani, M Hatzopoulou, NA Ross, Z Patterson, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (18), 10777-10786, 2018
Atmospheric dispersion modeling near a roadway under calm meteorological conditions
MF Shorshani, C Seigneur, LP Rehn, H Chanut, Y Pellan, J Jaffrezo, ...
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 34, 137-154, 2015
Predicting fine spatial scale traffic noise using Mobile measurements and machine learning
X Yin, M Fallah-Shorshani, R McConnell, S Fruin, M Franklin
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (20), 12860-12869, 2020
Investigating the effects of multiple exposure measures to traffic-related air pollution on the risk of breast and prostate cancer
M Shekarrizfard, MF Valois, S Weichenthal, MS Goldberg, ...
Journal of Transport & Health 11, 34-46, 2018
Estimating traffic noise over a large urban area: An evaluation of methods
M Fallah-Shorshani, X Yin, R McConnell, S Fruin, M Franklin
Environment International 170, 107583, 2022
Manuscript title: Long─ term residential exposure to environmental/transportation noise and the incidence of myocardial infarction
LI Yankoty, P Gamache, C Plante, S Goudreau, C Blais, S Perron, ...
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 232, 113666, 2021
Modélisation de l’impact du trafic routier sur la pollution de l’air et des eaux de ruissellement
MF Shorshani
Paris Est, 2014
Capturing the spatial variability of noise levels based on a short-term monitoring campaign and comparing noise surfaces against personal exposures collected through a panel study
M Fallah-Shorshani, L Minet, R Liu, C Plante, S Goudreau, T Oiamo, ...
Environmental research 167, 662-672, 2018
Long-term residential exposure to environmental/transportation noise and the incidence of myocardial infarction
LI Yankoty, P Gamache, C Plante, S Goudreau, C Blais, S Perron, ...
Int J Hyg Environ Health 232, 113666, 2021
Exposure models for particulate matter elemental concentrations in Southern California
X Yin, M Franklin, M Fallah-Shorshani, M Shafer, R McConnell, S Fruin
Environment International 165, 107247, 2022
Comparing emission rates derived from a model with those estimated using a plume-based approach and quantifying the contribution of vehicle classes to on-road emissions and air …
J Xu, J Wang, N Hilker, M Fallah-Shorshani, M Saleh, R Tu, A Wang, ...
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 68 (11), 1159-1174, 2018
Disparities in greenspace associated with sleep duration among adolescent children in Southern California
C Zhong, X Yin, M Fallah-Shorshani, T Islam, R McConnell, S Fruin, ...
Environmental Epidemiology 7 (4), e264, 2023
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