Unexploited potentials of networking in the hospitality business-Slovenia's case G Sedmak, T Planinc, S Planinc Tourism and Hospitality Management 17 (2), 187-200, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Managers' perceptions of the role of ICT in rural tourism firms efficiency: The case of Slovenia G Sedmak, T Planinc, T Kociper, S Planinc Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 64 (3), 339-345, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Classification and efficiency analysis of Slovenian restaurant smes T Planinc, M Kukanja, S Planinc Academica Turistica-Tourism and Innovation Journal 11 (1), 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
The impact of economic crisis on the motivation to work in food service: the case of the municipality of Piran. M Kukanja, S Planinc | 9 | 2012 |
Diverzifikacija morskega ribištva v turistično dejavnost na slovenski obali T Mihalič, G Sedmak, S Planinc, J Bogataj, M Jeločnik Pelicon | 5 | 2014 |
Restaurant Customers' Quality Expectations: A Pre-and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Comparison S Planinc, M Kukanja Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 70 (2), 168-182, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Opredelitev turističnega podjetništva na podeželju T Kociper, S Planinc, G Sedmak, T Planinc, A Brezovec | 3 | 2015 |
Analysis of the financial performance in the Slovenian tourism economy T Planinc, Š Bojnec, S Planinc Management 8 (2), 109-123, 2013 | 3 | 2013 |
Istra-avtentična destinacija dobrega počutja= Istra-autentična destinacija dobrog ugođaja I Jurinčič, H Nemec Rudež, S Planinc, D Ravnikar, G Sedmak, K Vodeb, ... | 3 | 2011 |
Analiza spletnih strani slovenskih hotelov D Fabjan, T Brezovec, S Planinc Dnevi slovenske informatike, 249-253, 2002 | 2 | 2002 |
FABJAN Daša in PLANINC Saša T BREZOVEC Analiza spletnih strani slovenskih hotelov. URL=«http://209.85 135, 0 | 2 | |
WHAT KNOWLEDGE IS MISSING FOR MORE SUCCESSFUL RURAL TOURISM? THE EVIDENCE FROM SLOVENIA T Planinc, G Sedmak, S Planinc, T Kociper Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 295, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Avtentičnost kot resurs podeželskega turizma G Sedmak, T Planinc, T Kociper, S Planinc | 1 | 2015 |
Does Better Physical Accessibility Lead to Higher Sales Revenues? The Case of Slovenian Restaurant SMEs M Kukanja, S Planinc Academica Turistica-Tourism and Innovation Journal 16 (3), 2023 | | 2023 |
Are we discriminating towards guests with disabilities? Accessibility analyses of public restaurants facilities in the Republic of Slovenia M Kukanja, S Planinc Spatium, 075-086, 2023 | | 2023 |
FACTORS AFFECTING ACCIDENTS ON SKI HILLS (Slovenian Case) J Mekinc, L Grom, T Omejec, S Planinc Annales Kinesiologiae 7 (2), 97-116, 2016 | | 2016 |
Raziskava med podjetniki S Planinc, T Kociper, G Sedmak, T Planinc | | 2015 |
Formalni okvirji razvoja ruralnega turizma S Planinc, T Planinc | | 2015 |
Družinsko podjetništvo v turizmu na podeželju in prenos poslovanja na prihodnjo generacijo: primerjalna analiza stanja v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem T Planinc, T Kociper, G Sedmak, S Planinc | | 2015 |
Organizacije in akterji v Sloveniji iz področja podjetništva v turizmu na podeželju T Planinc, S Planinc | | 2015 |