Andi Kurniawan
Analysis of the ion adsorption–desorption characteristics of biofilm matrices
A Kurniawan, T Yamamoto, Y Tsuchiya, H Morisaki
Microbes and environments 27 (4), 399-406, 2012
Nutrient-rich microhabitats within biofilms are synchronized with the external environment
Y Tsuchiya, M Ikenaga, A Kurniawan, A Hiraki, T Arakawa, R Kusakabe, ...
Microbes and environments 24 (1), 43-51, 2009
Analisis kualitas perairan berdasarkan metode indeks pencemaran di Pesisir Timur Kota Surabaya
G Guntur, YA Tiya, HJS Syarifah, A Kurniawan
Depik 6 (1), 81-89, 2017
Analysis of how a biofilm forms on the surface of the aquatic macrophyte Phragmites australis
A Hiraki, Y Tsuchiya, Y Fukuda, T Yamamoto, A Kurniawan, H Morisaki
Microbes and environments 24 (3), 265-272, 2009
Indeks Kesesuaian Garam (IKG) Untuk Menentukan Kesesuaian Lokasi Produksi Garam; Analisis Lokasi Produksi Garam Di Kabupaten Tuban Dan Kabupaten Probolinggo
A Kurniawan, AA Jaziri, AA Amin, LN Salamah
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) 3 (2), 236-244, 2019
Development of salt production technology using prism greenhouse method
G Guntur, AA Jaziri, AA Prihanto, DM Arisandi, A Kurniawan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 106 (1), 012082, 2018
Analisis kadar glukosa darah ikan tawes (Barbonymus gonionotus) dari bendung rolak songo hilir sungai brantas
Z Nasichah, P Widjanarko, A Kurniawan, D Arfiati
Prosiding seminar nasional kelautan. Universitas Trunojoyo. Madura, 2016
Characterization of the internal ion environment of biofilms based on charge density and shape of ion
A Kurniawan, Y Tsuchiya, S Eda, H Morisaki
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 136, 22-26, 2015
Biofilm polymer for biosorption of pollutant ions
A Kurniawan, T Yamamoto
Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 179-187, 2013
Analysis of Aquaponic-Recirculation Aquaculture System (A-Ras) Application in the Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Aquaculture in Indonesia
AW Ekawati, SM Ulfa, CSU Dewi, AA Amin, LN Salamah, AT Yanuar, ...
Aquaculture Studies 21 (3), 93-100, 2021
Accumulation of and inside Biofilms of Natural Microbial Consortia: Implication on Nutrients Seasonal Dynamic in Aquatic Ecosystems
A Kurniawan, T Yamamoto
International Journal of Microbiology 2019 (1), 6473690, 2019
Ekologi sistem akuatik: fundamen dalam pemanfaatan dan pelestarian lingkungan perairan
A Kurniawan
Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2018
Biosorption of lithium using biofilm matrix of natural microbial consortium.
A Kurniawan, T Yamamoto
Electric charge characteristics of biofilms formed on various surfaces
A Kurniawan, Y Fukuda
The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research 5 (2), 95, 2016
Kapasitas hidrolisis bakteri pendegradasi selulosa dari ekosistem mangrove
A Kurniawan, SP Sari, E Asriani, A Kurniawan, AB Sambah, I Triswiyana, ...
Journal of Tropical Marine Science 2 (2), 76-82, 2019
Adsorption of Cu (II) in aqueous solution by modified sawdust cellulose
SM Ulfa, N Chamidah, A Kurniawan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 239 (1), 012008, 2019
Nilai Manfaat Pariwisata Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Taman Wisata Perairan Gita Nada Sekotong Lombok
CM Witomo, N Harahap, A Kurniawan
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Dan Perikanan 15 (2), 169-184, 2020
Preliminary design of a low-cost greenhouse for salt production in Indonesia
AA Jaziri, W Setiawan, AA Prihanto, A Kurniawan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (1), 012054, 2018
Isolation and Identification of cellulolytic bacteria from mangrove sediment in Bangka Island
A Kurniawan, AA Prihanto, SP Sari, D Febriyanti, AB Sambah, E Asriani
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (1), 012070, 2018
Least square spline estimator in multi-response semiparametric regression model for estimating median growth charts of children in East Java, Indonesia
N Chamidah, A Kurniawan, B Zaman, L Muniroh
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 107 (2), 295-307, 2018
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