Mario Calderini
Mario Calderini
Politecnico di Milano, School of Management
在 polimi.it 的电子邮件经过验证
If star scientists do not patent: The effect of productivity, basicness and impact on the decision to patent in the academic world
M Calderini, C Franzoni, A Vezzulli
Research Policy 36 (3), 303-319, 2007
Indicators and metrics for social business: a review of current approaches
B Irene, A Marika, A Giovanni, C Mario
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 7 (1), 1-24, 2016
Social impact bonds: blockbuster or flash in a pan?
M Arena, I Bengo, M Calderini, V Chiodo
International Journal of Public Administration 39 (12), 927-939, 2016
Unlocking finance for social tech start-ups: Is there a new opportunity space?
M Arena, I Bengo, M Calderini, V Chiodo
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 127, 154-165, 2018
A hierarchical bicriterion approach to integrated process plan selection and job shop scheduling
P Brandimarte, M Calderini
The International Journal of Production Research 33 (1), 161-181, 1995
Is academic patenting detrimental to high quality research
M Calderini, C Franzoni
An empirical analysis of the relationship between scientific careers and …, 2004
The social impact investment race: Toward an interpretative framework
M Calderini, V Chiodo, FV Michelucci
European Business Review 30 (1), 66-81, 2018
The dynamics of localized technological change
C Antonelli, M Calderini
The organization of economic innovation in Europe, 158-176, 1999
Academic research, technological specialization and the innovation performance in European regions: an empirical analysis in the wireless sector
M Calderini, G Scellato
Industrial and Corporate Change 14 (2), 279-305, 2005
Corporate governance, market structure and innovation
M Calderini, P Garrone, M Sobrero
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003
Liberalisation, industry turmoil and the balance of R&D activities
M Calderini, P Garrone
Information economics and policy 13 (2), 199-230, 2001
The governance of knowledge compositeness and technological performance: the case of the automotive industry in Europe
C Antonelli, M Calderini
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 17 (1-2), 23-41, 2008
Innovation paths in product development: an empirical research
M Calderini, M Cantamessa
International Journal of Production Economics 51 (1-2), 1-17, 1997
The unequal benefits of academic patenting for science and engineering research
M Calderini, C Franzoni, A Vezzulli
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 56 (1), 16-30, 2009
Preprandial combination of lispro and NPH insulin improves overall blood glucose control in type 1 diabetic patients: a multicenter randomized crossover trial
MC Calderini, C Coscelli, D Fedele, A Galluzzo, M Giordano, R Giorgino, ...
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 11, 168-175, 2001
Intellectual property rights as strategic assets: the case of European patent opposition in the telecommunication industry
M Calderini, G Scellato
Cespri [centro De Ricerca Sui Processi Di Innovazione E. Internazionalizzazione], 2004
If Star Scientist do no Patent: an Event History Analysis of Scientific Eminence and the Decision to Patent in the Academic World
M Calderini, C Franzoni, A Vezzulli
UNIMI-Research Papers in Economics, Business, and Statistics, 2005
Analysis of the economic impact of the development risk clause as provided by Directive 85/374/EEC on liability for defective products
F Rosselli
EC, 2004
New development: Are social impact bonds (SIBs) viable in Italy? A new roadmap
I Bengo, M Calderini
Public Money & Management 36 (4), 303-306, 2016
Study on the quality of the patent system in Europe
G Scellato, M Calderini, F Caviggioli, C Franzoni, E Ughetto, E Kica, ...
Official Journal of the European Union, 2011
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