Determinants of and trends in labor force participation of women in Turkey M Dayıoğlu, MG Kırdar World Bank, 2010 | 199* | 2010 |
The effects of compulsory-schooling laws on teenage marriage and births in Turkey MG Kırdar, M Dayıoğlu, İ Koç Journal of Human Capital 12 (4), 640-668, 2018 | 154 | 2018 |
Labor market outcomes, savings accumulation, and return migration MG Kırdar Labour Economics 16 (4), 418-428, 2009 | 147* | 2009 |
Turkiye'de kadinlarin isgucune katiliminda belirleyici etkenler ve egilimler M Dayioglu, MG Kirdar The World Bank, 2010 | 128* | 2010 |
Migration and regional convergence: An empirical investigation for Turkey MG Kırdar, DŞ Saracoğlu Papers in Regional Science 87 (4), 545-566, 2008 | 119 | 2008 |
The impact of mass migration of Syrians on the Turkish labor market E Aksu, R Erzan, MG Kırdar Labour Economics 76, 102183, 2022 | 117 | 2022 |
Impact of sibship size, birth order and sex composition on school enrolment in urban Turkey M Dayioğlu, MG Kirdar, A Tansel Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 71 (3), 399-426, 2009 | 111 | 2009 |
Does longer compulsory education equalize schooling by gender and rural/urban residence? MG Kirdar, M Dayioğlu, I Koc World Bank Economic Review 30 (3), 549-579, 2016 | 95 | 2016 |
Explaining ethnic disparities in school enrollment in Turkey MG Kırdar Economic Development and Cultural Change 57 (2), 297-333, 2009 | 83 | 2009 |
Low wage returns to schooling in a developing country: Evidence from a major policy reform in Turkey A Aydemir, MG Kirdar Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 79 (6), 1046-1086, 2017 | 82 | 2017 |
Estimating the impact of immigrants on the host country social security system when return migration is an endogenous choice MG Kirdar International Economic Review 53 (2), 453-486, 2012 | 65 | 2012 |
Quasi-experimental impact estimates of immigrant labor supply shocks: The role of treatment and comparison group matching and relative skill composition AB Aydemir, MG Kırdar European Economic Review 98, 282-315, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
The impact of schooling on the timing of marriage and fertility: Evidence from a change in compulsory schooling law MG Kirdar, M Dayıoğlu, İ Koç | 53* | 2009 |
Source-country earnings and emigration S Djajic, MG Kirdar, A Vinogradova Journal of International Economics 99, 46-67, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |
Down and up the “U”–A synthetic cohort (panel) analysis of female labor force participation in Turkey, 1988–2013 İ Tunalı, MG Kırdar, M Dayıoğlu World development 146, 105609, 2021 | 49* | 2021 |
İç göç, bölgesel yakınsama sorunu ve ekonomik büyüme: Türkiye örneği MG Kırdar, DÞ Saracoğlu Discussion Paper, 2012 | 49 | 2012 |
The labor market integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey M Demirci, MG Kırdar World Development 162, 106138, 2023 | 41 | 2023 |
Türkiye’de hanehalklarının gelir, tüketim ve tasarruf davranışlarının yatay kesitlerle bir analizi SM Cilasun, MG KIRDAR Iktisat Isletme ve Finans 24 (280), 9-46, 2009 | 36* | 2009 |
The effect of hosting 3.4 million refugees on native population mortality A Aygün, MG Kırdar, B Tuncay Journal of health economics 80, 102534, 2021 | 32* | 2021 |
Keeping refugee children in school and out of work: Evidence from the world's largest humanitarian cash transfer program AH Aygün, MG Kırdar, M Koyuncu, Q Stoeffler Journal of Development Economics 168, 103266, 2024 | 25 | 2024 |