Memet Sudaryanto
Memet Sudaryanto
Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
在 unsoed.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Tools and strategy for distance learning to respond COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
MNY Utomo, M Sudayanto, K Saddhono
Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information 25 (3), 383-390, 2020
Register Anak Jalanan Kota Surakarta
M Sudaryanto, Sumarwati, E Suryanto
BASASTRA Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia Dan Pengajarannya, I …, 0
Multimedia-based online test on Indonesian language receptive skills development
M Sudaryanto, D Mardapi, S Hadi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1339 (1), 012120, 2019
How foreign speakers implement their strategies to listen Indonesian language?
M Sudaryanto, D Mardapi, S Hadi
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11 (7), 355-361, 2019
Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Dalam Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Indonesia
S Suwandi, M Sudaryanto, NE Wardani, S Zulianto, C Ulya, ...
Jurnal Kependidikan Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran 5 (1), 31-44, 2021
Sociopragmatic study of Javanese oral discourse in big city communities as an effort to maintain indigenous language
M Rohmadi, M Sudaryanto, DA Susanto, K Saddhono, AD Saputra
Research Journal in Advanced Humanities 4 (4), 2023
Case Study of Problem-Based Teaching Material Development Simulation in School
M Sudaryanto, M Rohmadi, C Ulya, K Wulansari, U Rizqi
MICOSS 2020: Proceedings of the 1st MICOSS Mercu Buana International …, 2021
Representation of Javanese Masculinity in The Dangdut Songs Lyric
C Ulya, RDP Sari, K Saddhono, M Sudaryanto
Masculinities and social change 10 (2), 139-161, 2021
Inter-rater Assessment on Listening Media for Foreign Language Speakers
M Sudaryanto, C Ulya, M Rohmadi, K Kuhafeesah
Proceedings of the 2nd Konferensi BIPA Tahunan 1 (38), 211-219, 2020
Adiwiyata insight: Information technology based environmental education at senior high school in Boyolali, Central Java
K Saddhono, M Rohmadi, AA Rondiyah, Y Purwiyanti, R Suhita, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1339 (1), 012121, 2019
Case Study: Exploring Golden Age Students’ Ability and Identifying Learning Activities in Kindergarten
M Rohmadi, M Sudaryanto, C Ulya, H Akbariski, U Putri
Proceedings of the First Brawijaya International Conference on Social and …, 2020
Tools and strategy for distance learning to respond Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. International Information and Enginering Technology Association, 25 (3), 383–390
MNY Utomo, M Sudaryanto, K Saddhono
Indonesian as a Foreign Language: Standard Setting and Materials Development Issues
M Sudaryanto, K Saddhono, H Wahyono, T Widiatmi, L Ino, H Hidayat, ...
Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and …, 2019
Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Pada Era Revolusi Digital 4.0 di Komunitas Duta Bahasa Provinsi Bangka Belitung
EDP Sari, UNB Lapiana, M Sudaryanto
Madani: Indonesian Journal of Civil Society 4 (1), 9-17, 2022
Penggunaan Gawai dalam Mendukung Efektivitas Pembelajaran Bahasa di Era Society 5.0
BW Setyawan, M Sudaryanto
Prawara: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 3 (1), 1-13, 2022
Students' Competence in Making Language Skill Assessment Rubric
M Sudaryanto, HS Akbariski
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) 7 (2), 156-167, 2021
A creative library management in digital era in Indonesia from psychopragmatic perspective
M Rohmadi, K Sadhhono, M Sudaryanto
Webology 18 (Special Issue on Information Retrieval and Web Search), 332-343, 2021
Higher order thinking skills in Indonesian language national exam in junior high school
S Suwandi, M Sudaryanto, N Wardani, S Zulianto, C Ulya, T Setiyoningsih
Jurnal Kependidikan: Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran 5 (1), 31-44, 2021
Feasibility Analysis of Basic Writing and Reading Materials for Foreign Speakers
M Rohmadi, C Ulya, M Sudaryanto, M Ximenes
Studi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di Surakarta
M Sudaryanto
Pertemuan Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PIBSI) 40, 421-430, 2018
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