Bogdan Robu
Bogdan Robu
Associate Professor Univ Grenoble Alpes
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Robust anomaly detection on unreliable data
Z Zhao, S Cerf, R Birke, B Robu, S Bouchenak, SB Mokhtar, LY Chen
2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2019
Simultaneous Vibration Control of Fluid/Plate System via Reduced-Order Controller
B Robu, L Baudouin, C Prieur, D Arzelier
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 20 (3), 700-711, 2011
A control approach for performance of big data systems
M Berekmeri, D Serrano, S Bouchenak, N Marchand, B Robu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 152-157, 2014
Feedback autonomic provisioning for guaranteeing performance in mapreduce systems
M Berekmeri, D Serrano, S Bouchenak, N Marchand, B Robu
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 6 (4), 1004-1016, 2016
Pulp: Achieving privacy and utility trade-off in user mobility data
S Cerf, V Primault, A Boutet, SB Mokhtar, R Birke, S Bouchenak, LY Chen, ...
2017 IEEE 36th symposium on reliable distributed systems (SRDS), 164-173, 2017
Pursuit-evasion game for nonholonomic mobile robots with obstacle avoidance using NMPC
M Sani, B Robu, A Hably
2020 28th Mediterranean conference on control and automation (MED), 978-983, 2020
Towards a control-theory approach for minimizing unused grid resources
E Stahl, AG Yabo, O Richard, B Bzeznik, B Robu, E Rutten
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Autonomous Infrastructure …, 2018
Cost function based event triggered Model Predictive Controllers application to Big Data Cloud services
S Cerf, M Berekmeri, B Robu, N Marchand, S Bouchenak
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1657-1662, 2016
Model-free control for resource harvesting in computing grids
Q Guilloteau, B Robu, C Join, M Fliess, É Rutten, O Richard
2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 384-390, 2022
Enhancing robustness of on-line learning models on highly noisy data
Z Zhao, R Birke, R Han, B Robu, S Bouchenak, SB Mokhtar, LY Chen
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (5), 2177-2192, 2021
A control-theory approach for cluster autonomic management: maximizing usage while avoiding overload
AG Yabo, B Robu, O Richard, B Bzeznik, E Rutten
2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 189-195, 2019
Pursuit-evasion games based on game-theoretic and model predictive control algorithms
M Sani, B Robu, A Hably
2021 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 1-6, 2021
Adaptive feedforward and feedback control for cloud services
S Cerf, M Berekmeri, B Robu, N Marchand, S Bouchenak, ID Landau
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 5504-5509, 2017
Limited information model predictive control for pursuit-evasion games
M Sani, B Robu, A Hably
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 265-270, 2021
Controlling the Injection of Best-Effort Tasks to Harvest Idle Computing Grid Resources
Q Guilloteau, O Richard, B Robu, E Rutten
2021 25th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2021
Dynamic obstacles avoidance using nonlinear model predictive control
M Sani, B Robu, A Hably
IECON 2021–47th annual conference of the IEEE industrial electronics society …, 2021
Urban transportation mode detection from inertial and barometric data in pedestrian mobility
FT Alaoui, H Fourati, A Kibangou, B Robu, N Vuillerme
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (6), 4772-4780, 2021
Event-based control for online training of neural networks
Z Zhao, S Cerf, B Robu, N Marchand
IEEE Control Systems Letters 4 (3), 773-778, 2020
RAD: On-line Anomaly Detection for Highly Unreliable Data
Z Zhao, R Birke, R Han, B Robu, S Bouchenak, SB Mokhtar, LY Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.04383, 2019
Feedback control for online training of neural networks
Z Zhao, S Cerf, B Robu, N Marchand
2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 136-141, 2019
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