Income, consumption and wealth inequality in Spain B Anghel, H Basso, O Bover, JM Casado, L Hospido, M Izquierdo, ... SERIEs 9, 351-387, 2018 | 138* | 2018 |
Fiscal policy and the cycle in Latin America: the role of financing conditions and fiscal rules E Alberola, I Kataryniuk, Á Melguizo, R Orozco Revista ESPE-Ensayos sobre Política Económica, 2018, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
The Reform of the European Union’s Fiscal Governance Framework in a New Macroeconomic Environment (La reforma del marco de gobernanza de la política fiscal de la Unión Europea … M Alloza, J Andrés, P Burriel, I Kataryniuk, JJ Pérez, JL Vega Banco de Espana Occasional Paper, 2021 | 35* | 2021 |
Supranational debt and financing needs in the European Union M Delgado Téllez de Cepeda, I Kataryniuk, F López Vicente, ... Documentos Ocasionales/Banco de España, 2021, 2020 | 35* | 2020 |
Fiscal consolidation after the Great Recession: The role of composition I Kataryniuk, J Vallés Oxford Economic Papers, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
The decline in public investment:``social dominance’’or too-rigid fiscal rules? M Delgado-Téllez, E Gordo, I Kataryniuk, JJ Pérez Applied Economics 54 (10), 1123-1136, 2022 | 23 | 2022 |
The EU's Open Strategic Autonomy from a Central Banking Perspective. Challenges to the Monetary Policy Landscape from a Changing Geopolitical Environment D Ioannou, JJ Pérez, H Geeroms, I Vansteenkiste, PF Weber, AM Almeida, ... | 19 | 2023 |
A new supply bottlenecks index based on newspaper data FV P Burriel, I Kataryniuk, C Moreno Pérez International Journal of Central Banking 20 (2), 2024 | 17* | 2024 |
Thoughts on the design of a European Recovery Fund Ó Arce, I Kataryniuk, P Marín Bona, JJ Pérez Documentos Ocasionales/Banco de España, 2014, 2020 | 17* | 2020 |
ECB euro liquidity lines S Albrizio, I Kataryniuk, L Molina, J Schäfer International Monetary Fund, 2023 | 16 | 2023 |
What are the drivers of TFP growth? An empirical assessment I Kataryniuk, J Martínez-Martín International Macroeconomics in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis, 59-72, 2018 | 16* | 2018 |
Monetary-fiscal policy interactions in the euro area X Debrun, K Masuch, I Vansteenkiste, M Ferdinandusse, L von Thadden, ... | 14 | 2021 |
Federal unemployment insurance in the United States S Albrizio, JC Berganza, I Kataryniuk Boletín Económico, 2017, 2017 | 12* | 2017 |
El programa Next Generation EU: características y claves para su éxito D Alonso, I Kataryniuk, C Moreno, JJ Pérez ICE, Revista de Economía, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Euro area manufacturing bottlenecks I Kataryniuk, A del Río, C Santchez Carretero Banco de Espana, Economic Bulletin 3, 2021 | 10* | 2021 |
TFP growth and commodity prices in emerging economies I Kataryniuk, J Martínez-Martín Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 55 (10), 2211-2229, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
The impact of supply and demand shocks on recent economic development s and prices I Alonso, I Kataryniuk, J Martínez-Martín Economic Bulletin 4 (2021), 28-30, 2021 | 8* | 2021 |
(De-) Globalisation of trade and regionalisation: a survey of the facts and arguments I Kataryniuk, JJ Pérez, F Viani Banco de España Occasional Paper, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
EMU deepening and sovereign debt spreads: using political space to achieve policy space I Kataryniuk, V Mora-Bajén, JJ Pérez Banco de Espana Working Paper, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
The use of BVARs in the analysis of emerging economies Á Estrada, L Guirola, I Kataryniuk, J Martínez-Martín Banco de Espana Occasional Paper, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |