Costanza Morino
Costanza Morino
University of Padua - Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
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The triggering factors of the Móafellshyrna debris slide in northern Iceland: Intense precipitation, earthquake activity and thawing of mountain permafrost
Þ Sæmundsson, C Morino, JK Helgason, SJ Conway, HG Pétursson
Science of the total environment 621, 1163-1175, 2018
Molards as an indicator of permafrost degradation and landslide processes
C Morino, SJ Conway, Þ Sæmundsson, JK Helgason, J Hillier, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 516, 136-147, 2019
The impact of ground-ice thaw on landslide geomorphology and dynamics: two case studies in northern Iceland
C Morino, SJ Conway, MR Balme, JK Helgason, Þ Sæmundsson, ...
Landslides 18 (8), 2785-2812, 2021
Debris‐flow release processes investigated through the analysis of multi‐temporal LiDAR datasets in north‐western Iceland
C Morino, SJ Conway, MR Balme, J Hillier, C Jordan, Þ Sæmundsson, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (1), 144-159, 2019
Uncovering a 70-year-old permafrost degradation induced disaster in the Arctic, the 1952 Niiortuut landslide-tsunami in central West Greenland
K Svennevig, M Keiding, NJ Korsgaard, A Lucas, M Owen, MD Poulsen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 859, 160110, 2023
Landslides, a key landform in the global geological heritage
C Morino, P Coratza, M Soldati
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 864760, 2022
Modification of Caloris ejecta blocks by long-lived mass-wasting: A volatile-driven process?
J Wright, SJ Conway, C Morino, DA Rothery, MR Balme, CI Fassett
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 549, 116519, 2020
Mass-movements in cold and polar climates
Þ Sæmundsson, C Morino, SJ Conway
Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2021
On the dynamics of permafrost-induced landslides in Iceland
JK Helgason, C Morino, SJ Conway, Þ Sæmundsson, MR Balme
EUCOP5, conference paper, Chamonix, France 23, 2018
The hidden hazard of melting ground ice in Northern Iceland
C Morino
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2018
Permafrost molards as an analogue for ejecta-ice interactions at Hale Crater, Mars
C Morino, S Conway, M Philippe, C Peignaux, K Svennevig, A Lucas, ...
Icarus 391, 115363, 2023
Visualising and experiencing geological flows in Virtual Reality
E Delage, B van Wyk de Vries, M Philippe, S Conway, C Morino, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-8801, 2021
Experimental study of sediment transport processes by liquid water and brine under Martian pressure
M Philippe, SJ Conway, J Raack, S Carpy, M Massé, MR Patel, ...
Icarus 395, 115475, 2023
JM Fernández-Fernández, B Etzelmüller, C Morino, Þ Sæmundsson
Periglacial Landscapes of Europe, 427-473, 2023
The comparison between two airborne LiDAR datasets to analyse debris flow initiation in north-western Iceland
C Morino, SJ Conway, MR Balme, C Jordan, J Hillier, T Argles
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts; EGU: München, Germany 17, 11628, 2015
Link between molards and permafrost degradation: an experimental study
M Philippe, SJ Conway, M Font-Ertlen, C Morino, O Bourgeois
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-8268, 2021
Molards:“forgotten” periglacial landforms revealing landslide-processes and permafrost degradation
C Morino, SJ Conway, P Saemundsson, JK Helganson, MR Balme, ...
Geophys Res Abstr 19, EGU2017-15401-3, 2017
Mountain permafrost landslides: Experimental study investigating molard formation processes
C Beck, M Font, SJ Conway, M Philippe, J Clément, C Morino
Geomorphology 461, 109317, 2024
Long-runout landslides with associated longitudinal ridges in Iceland as analogues of Martian landslide deposits
G Magnarini, A Champagne, C Morino, C Beck, M Philippe, A Decaulne, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 12 (3), 657-678, 2024
Modelling the thermal regime of a recently destabilised talus: the Eyjafirdi landslide (October 6th 2020, Iceland)
M Philippe, F Magnin, C Morino, P Deline, SJ Conway
EGU24, 2024
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