Scott B. Friend
Scott B. Friend
Schaefer Endowed Chair in Marketing, University of Dayton
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Big data facilitation, utilization, and monetization: Exploring the 3Vs in a new product development process
JS Johnson, SB Friend, HS Lee
Journal of Product Innovation Management 34 (5), 640-658, 2017
The role of emotions on frontline employee turnover intentions
YN Cho, BN Rutherford, SB Friend, GA Hamwi, JK Park
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 25 (1), 57-68, 2017
Positive psychology in sales: Integrating psychological capital
SB Friend, JS Johnson, F Luthans, RS Sohi
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 24 (3), 306-327, 2016
Measuring salesperson burnout: A reduced Maslach burnout inventory for sales researchers
BN Rutherford, GA Hamwi, SB Friend, NN Hartmann
Journal of personal Selling & Sales management 31 (4), 429-440, 2011
Contingent cross-selling and up-selling relationships with performance and job satisfaction: An MOA-theoretic examination
JS Johnson, SB Friend
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 35 (1), 51-71, 2015
The role of delight in driving repurchase intentions
T Meyer, DC Barnes, SB Friend
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 37 (1), 61-71, 2017
Initiating value co-creation: Dealing with non-receptive customers
A Malshe, SB Friend
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46, 895-920, 2018
Key skills for crafting customer solutions within an ecosystem: A theories-in-use perspective
SB Friend, A Malshe
Journal of Service Research 19 (2), 174-191, 2016
Sales enablement: conceptualizing and developing a dynamic capability
RM Peterson, A Malshe, SB Friend, H Dover
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49, 542-565, 2021
Segmenting the preferences and usage patterns of the mature consumer health‐care market
GP Moschis, SB Friend
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 2 (1), 7-21, 2008
Strategic and operational alignment of sales-marketing interfaces: Dual paths within an SME configuration
A Malshe, SB Friend, J Al-Khatib, MI Al-Habib, HM Al-Torkistani
Industrial Marketing Management 66, 145-158, 2017
The effects of mentoring on salesperson commitment
NN Hartmann, BN Rutherford, GA Hamwi, SB Friend
Journal of Business Research 66 (11), 2294-2300, 2013
Key account relationships: An exploratory inquiry of customer-based evaluations
SB Friend, JS Johnson
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (4), 642-658, 2014
Ethical climate at the frontline: A meta-analytic evaluation
SB Friend, F Jaramillo, JS Johnson
Journal of Service Research 23 (2), 116-138, 2020
Interfacing and customer-facing: Sales and marketing selling centers
JS Johnson, JM Matthes, SB Friend
Industrial Marketing Management 77, 41-56, 2019
Why are you really losing sales opportunities? A buyers' perspective on the determinants of key account sales failures
SB Friend, CF Curasi, JS Boles, DN Bellenger
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (7), 1124-1135, 2014
The impact of training, mentoring and coaching on personal learning in the sales environment
SK Bradford, BN Rutherford, SB Friend
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 15 (1), 133-151, 2017
INDSALES model: A facet-level job satisfaction model among salespeople
SB Friend, JS Johnson, BN Rutherford, G Alexander Hamwi
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 33 (4), 419-438, 2013
Buyer–seller relationships within a multisource context: Understanding customer defection and available alternatives
SB Friend, GA Hamwi, BN Rutherford
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 31 (4), 383-395, 2011
Propensity to trust salespeople: A contingent multilevel-multisource examination
SB Friend, JS Johnson, RS Sohi
Journal of Business Research 83, 1-9, 2018
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