Mehdi Montakhabi
Mehdi Montakhabi
VU Brussel
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Peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy: A systematic literature review of local energy market models
T Capper, A Gorbatcheva, MA Mustafa, M Bahloul, JM Schwidtal, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 162, 112403, 2022
Social and economic value in emerging decentralized energy business models: A critical review
S Adams, D Brown, JP Cárdenas Álvarez, R Chitchyan, MJ Fell, ...
Energies 14 (23), 7864, 2021
Trust, transparency and security in the sharing economy: what is the government's role?
R D’Hauwers, J Van Der Bank, M Montakhabi
Technology Innovation Management Review 10 (5), 2020
Emerging business models in local energy markets: A systematic review of peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy models
JM Schwidtal, P Piccini, M Troncia, R Chitchyan, M Montakhabi, C Francis, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 179, 113273, 2023
Sharing Economy in Future Electricity Markets: Security and Privacy Analysis
M Montakhabi, A Madhusudan, S van der Graaf, A Abidin, MA Mustafa
New Roles in Peer-to-Peer Electricity Markets:Value Network Analysis
M Montakhabi, F Zobiri, S Van Der Graaf, G Deconinck, D Orlando, ...
6th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 6, 2020
Poster: SNIPPET–Secure and Privacy-Friendly Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading
A Abidin, R Callaerts, G Deconinck, S van der Graaf, A Madhusudan, ...
Defining the business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading
M Montakhabi, S Van Der Graaf, P Ballon, N Walravens, W Vanhaverbeke
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on New Business Models …, 2021
Sharing beyond Peer-to-peer Trading: Collaborative (open) Business Models as a Pathway to Smart Circular Economy in Electricity Markets
M Montakhabi, S van der Graaf, P Ballon, M A. Mustafa
IEEE SmaCE'20, 8, 2020
An ecosystem view of peer-to-peer electricity trading: Scenario building by business model matrix to identify new roles
M Montakhabi, F Zobiri, S van der Graaf, G Deconinck, D Orlando, ...
Energies 14 (15), 4438, 2021
Fostering energy transition in smart cities: Dlts for peer-to-peer electricity trading
M Montakhabi, S van der Graaf, A Madhusudan, R Sarenche, MA Mustafa
2021 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor …, 2021
Open business models’ actionability in Europe; EU competition policy analysis
M Montakhabi, S Van Der Graaf
Journal of Business Models 9 (1), 29-34, 2021
Barriers for prosumers’ open business models: A resource-based view on assets and data-sharing in electricity markets
M Montakhabi, I Van Zeeland, P Ballon
Sustainability 14 (9), 5705, 2022
A systematic literature review of peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy market models
T Capper, A Gorbatcheva, MA Mustafa, M Bahloul, JM Schwidtal, ...
Community Self-Consumption, and Transactive Energy Market Models (November 9 …, 2021
Prosumers’ Business Models in Future Electricity Markets
M Montakhabi, S van der Graaf, P Ballon, MA Mustafa
Business Model Conference 2021, 2021
Valuing the value: An affordances perspective on new models in the electricity market
M Montakhabi, S van der Graaf, MA Mustafa
Energy Research & Social Science 96, 102902, 2023
Leveraging blockchain for energy transition in urban contexts
M Montakhabi, A Madhusudan, MA Mustafa, W Vanhaverbeke, E Almirall, ...
Big Data & Society 10 (2), 20539517231205503, 2023
What Makes Your Business Model (Un) Investable?
M Montakhabi
Journal of Business Models 11 (1), 27-37, 2023
Ecosystem risks of peer-to-peer electricity trading
M Montakhabi, W Vanhaverbeke
SMS 42nd Annual Conference, 2022
Users’ perceptions of a digital stress self-monitoring application: Research insights to design a practical innovation
M Sillevis Smitt, M Montakhabi, J Morton, C van Leeuwen, K Bombeke, ...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 325-341, 2022
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