Testing models of consumer search using data on web browsing and purchasing behavior B De los Santos, A Hortaçsu, MR Wildenbeest American Economic Review 102 (6), 2955-2980, 2012 | 619 | 2012 |
Search Engine Optimization: what drives organic traffic to retail sites? MR Baye, B De los Santos, MR Wildenbeest Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 25 (1), 6-31, 2016 | 226 | 2016 |
An empirical model of search with vertically differentiated products MR Wildenbeest RAND Journal of Economics 42 (4), 729-757, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
Maximum likelihood estimation of search costs JL Moraga-González, MR Wildenbeest European Economic Review 52 (5), 820-848, 2008 | 164 | 2008 |
Consumer search and prices in the automobile market JL Moraga-González, Z Sándor, MR Wildenbeest Review of Economic Studies 90 (3), 1394-1440, 2023 | 163* | 2023 |
Truly costly sequential search and oligopolistic pricing MCW Janssen, JL Moraga-González, MR Wildenbeest International Journal of Industrial Organization 23 (5-6), 451-466, 2005 | 162 | 2005 |
Estimation of search frictions in the British electricity market M Giulietti, M Waterson, MR Wildenbeest The Journal of Industrial Economics 62 (4), 555–590, 2014 | 123 | 2014 |
Prices and heterogeneous search costs JL Moraga-González, Z Sándor, MR Wildenbeest RAND Journal of Economics 48 (1), 125-146, 2017 | 99* | 2017 |
Platform design when sellers use pricing algorithms JP Johnson, A Rhodes, M Wildenbeest Econometrica 91 (5), 1841-1879, 2023 | 89 | 2023 |
E-book pricing and vertical restraints B De los Santos, MR Wildenbeest Quantitative Marketing and Economics 15 (2), 85-122, 2017 | 87 | 2017 |
Search with learning for differentiated products: evidence from E-commerce B De los Santos, A Hortacsu, MR Wildenbeest Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 35 (4), 626-641, 2017 | 76* | 2017 |
Semi-nonparametric estimation of consumer search costs JL Moraga-González, Z Sándor, MR Wildenbeest Journal of Applied Econometrics 28 (7), 1205-1223, 2013 | 61 | 2013 |
Empirical search and consideration sets E Honka, A Hortaçsu, M Wildenbeest Handbook of the Economics of Marketing 1, 193-257, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Comparison sites JL Moraga-González, MR Wildenbeest The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, 224-253, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |
Nonsequential search equilibrium with search cost heterogeneity JL Moraga-González, Z Sándor, MR Wildenbeest International Journal of Industrial Organization 50, 392-414, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
What's in a name? Measuring prominence, and its impact on organic traffic from search engines MR Baye, B De los Santos, MR Wildenbeest Information Economics and Policy 34, 44-57, 2016 | 32 | 2016 |
Non-parametric estimation of search costs for differentiated products: evidence from Medigap H Lin, MR Wildenbeest Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 38 (4), 754-770, 2020 | 29* | 2020 |
Autonomous algorithmic collusion: Economic research and policy implications S Assad, E Calvano, G Calzolari, R Clark, V Denicolò, D Ershov, ... Oxford Review of Economic Policy 37 (3), 459-478, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Agency pricing and bargaining: evidence from the e-book market B De los Santos, DP O'Brien, MR Wildenbeest | 24 | 2021 |
Searching for physical and digital media: the evolution of platforms for finding books MR Baye, BD Santos, MR Wildenbeest Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy (NBER Conference Report), 137-168, 2015 | 23 | 2015 |