Computation of component image velocity from local phase information DJ Fleet, AD Jepson International journal of computer vision 5, 77-104, 1990 | 1652 | 1990 |
Robust online appearance models for visual tracking AD Jepson, DJ Fleet, TF El-Maraghi IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 25 (10), 1296 …, 2003 | 1526 | 2003 |
Eigentracking: Robust matching and tracking of articulated objects using a view-based representation MJ Black, AD Jepson International Journal of Computer Vision 26, 63-84, 1998 | 1401 | 1998 |
Eigentracking: Robust matching and tracking of articulated objects using a view-based representation MJ Black, AD Jepson Computer Vision—ECCV'96: 4th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1996 | 651 | 1996 |
Subspace methods for recovering rigid motion I: Algorithm and implementation DJ Heeger, AD Jepson International Journal of Computer Vision 7, 95-117, 1992 | 603 | 1992 |
Phase-based disparity measurement DJ Fleet, AD Jepson, MRM Jenkin CVGIP: Image understanding 53 (2), 198-210, 1991 | 464 | 1991 |
Mixture models for optical flow computation A Jepson, MJ Black Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition …, 1993 | 391 | 1993 |
Stability of phase information DJ Fleet, AD Jepson IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15 (12), 1253 …, 1993 | 370 | 1993 |
A probabilistic framework for matching temporal trajectories: Condensation-based recognition of gestures and expressions MJ Black, AD Jepson Computer Vision—ECCV'98: 5th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1998 | 329 | 1998 |
Estimating optical flow in segmented images using variable-order parametric models with local deformations MJ Black, AD Jepson IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 18 (10), 972-986, 1996 | 299 | 1996 |
Benchmarking image segmentation algorithms FJ Estrada, AD Jepson International journal of computer vision 85, 167-181, 2009 | 238 | 2009 |
Skin and bones: Multi-layer, locally affine, optical flow and regularization with transparency SX Ju, MJ Black, AD Jepson Proceedings CVPR IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1996 | 224 | 1996 |
Apparatus and method for identifying and tracking objects with view-based representations MJ Black, AD Jepson US Patent 6,526,156, 2003 | 223 | 2003 |
Learning parameterized models of image motion MJ Black, Y Yacoob, AD Jepson, DJ Fleet Proceedings of IEEE computer society conference on Computer vision and …, 1997 | 202 | 1997 |
Multi-scale phase-based local features G Carneiro, AD Jepson 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2003 | 199 | 2003 |
From [R, G, B] to Surface Reflectance: Computing Color Constant Descriptors in Images. R Gershon, AD Jepson, JK Tsotsos IJCAI, 755-758, 1987 | 197 | 1987 |
Generative modeling for continuous non-linearly embedded visual inference C Sminchisescu, A Jepson Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning, 96, 2004 | 186 | 2004 |
Techniques for disparity measurement MRM Jenkin, AD Jepson, JK Tsotsos CVGIP: Image understanding 53 (1), 14-30, 1991 | 172 | 1991 |
Design and use of linear models for image motion analysis DJ Fleet, MJ Black, Y Yacoob, AD Jepson International Journal of Computer Vision 36, 171-193, 2000 | 165 | 2000 |
Ambient illumination and the determination of material changes R Gershon, AD Jepson, JK Tsotsos JOSA A 3 (10), 1700-1707, 1986 | 165 | 1986 |