Vladimir Antonov
Vladimir Antonov
Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
在 appl.sci-nnov.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
Coherent control of the waveforms of recoilless γ-ray photons
F Vagizov, V Antonov, YV Radeonychev, RN Shakhmuratov, ...
Nature 508 (7494), 80-83, 2014
Transformation of a single-photon field into bunches of pulses
RN Shakhmuratov, FG Vagizov, VA Antonov, YV Radeonychev, ...
Physical Review A 92 (2), 023836, 2015
Extremely short pulses via Stark modulation of the atomic transition frequencies
YV Radeonychev, VA Polovinkin, O Kocharovskaya
Physical review letters 105 (18), 183902, 2010
Formation of a single attosecond pulse via interaction of resonant radiation with a strongly perturbed atomic transition
VA Antonov, YV Radeonychev, O Kocharovskaya
Physical Review Letters 110 (21), 213903, 2013
Attosecond pulse amplification in a plasma-based x-ray laser dressed by an infrared laser field
VA Antonov, KC Han, TR Akhmedzhanov, M Scully, O Kocharovskaya
Physical Review Letters 123 (24), 243903, 2019
Formation of ultrashort pulses via quantum interference between Stark-split atomic transitions in a hydrogenlike medium
VA Antonov, YV Radeonychev, O Kocharovskaya
Physical Review A 88 (5), 053849, 2013
Few-cycle attosecond pulses via periodic resonance interaction with hydrogenlike atoms
VA Polovinkin, YV Radeonychev, O Kocharovskaya
Optics letters 36 (12), 2296-2298, 2011
Formation and amplification of subfemtosecond x-ray pulses in a plasma medium of hydrogenlike ions with a modulated resonant transition
TR Akhmedzhanov, VA Antonov, A Morozov, A Goltsov, M Scully, ...
Physical Review A 96 (3), 033825, 2017
-ray-pulse formation in a vibrating recoilless resonant absorber
VA Antonov, YV Radeonychev, O Kocharovskaya
Physical Review A 92 (2), 023841, 2015
Acoustically induced transparency for synchrotron hard x-ray photons
IR Khairulin, YV Radeonychev, VA Antonov, O Kocharovskaya
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 7930, 2021
Sub-fs pulse formation in a seeded hydrogenlike plasma-based x-ray laser dressed by an infrared field: Analytical theory and numerical optimization
IR Khairulin, VA Antonov, MY Ryabikin, O Kocharovskaya
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023255, 2020
Ultimate capabilities for compression of the waveform of a recoilless γ-ray photon into a pulse sequence in an optically deep vibrating resonant absorber
IR Khairulin, VA Antonov, YV Radeonychev, O Kocharovskaya
Physical Review A 98 (4), 043860, 2018
Conversion of recoilless radiation into a periodic sequence of short intense pulses in a set of several sequentially placed resonant absorbers
YV Radeonychev, VA Antonov, FG Vagizov, RN Shakhmuratov, ...
Physical Review A 92 (4), 043808, 2015
Extremely short pulses via resonantly induced transparency
YV Radeonychev, VA Polovinkin, O Kocharovskaya
Laser Physics 21 (7), 1243-1251, 2011
Attosecond pulse formation via switching of resonant interaction by tunnel ionization
VA Antonov, TR Akhmedzhanov, YV Radeonychev, O Kocharovskaya
Physical Review A 91 (2), 023830, 2015
Amplification of elliptically polarized sub-femtosecond pulses in neon-like X-ray laser modulated by an IR field
IR Khairulin, VA Antonov, MY Ryabikin, MA Berrill, VN Shlyaptsev, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6204, 2022
Ultimate capabilities for few-cycle pulse formation via resonant interaction of XUV radiation with IR-field-dressed atoms
TR Akhmedzhanov, MY Emelin, VA Antonov, YV Radeonychev, ...
Physical Review A 95 (2), 023845, 2017
Resonant generation of few-cycle pulses in hydrogenlike atoms
YV Radeonychev, VA Polovinkin, OA Kocharovskaya
Laser Physics 22 (10), 1547-1552, 2012
Pulse shaping via modulation of resonant absorption
YV Radeonychev, VA Polovinkin, O Kocharovskaya
Laser physics 19 (4), 769-775, 2009
Attosecond-pulse formation in the water-window range by an optically dressed hydrogen-like plasma-based x-ray laser
VA Antonov, IR Khairulin, O Kocharovskaya
Physical Review A 102 (6), 063528, 2020
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