Multiple trend breaks and the unit-root hypothesis RL Lumsdaine, DH Papell Review of economics and Statistics 79 (2), 212-218, 1997 | 2152 | 1997 |
Searching for stationarity: Purchasing power parity under the current float DH Papell Journal of international Economics 43 (3-4), 313-332, 1997 | 733 | 1997 |
Out-of-sample exchange rate predictability with Taylor rule fundamentals T Molodtsova, DH Papell Journal of international economics 77 (2), 167-180, 2009 | 571 | 2009 |
Slowdowns and meltdowns: postwar growth evidence from 74 countries D Ben-David, DH Papell Review of Economics and Statistics 80 (4), 561-571, 1998 | 338 | 1998 |
Unit roots, postwar slowdowns and long-run growth: evidence from two structural breaks D Ben-David, RL Lumsdaine, DH Papell Empirical Economics 28, 303-319, 2003 | 331 | 2003 |
The purchasing power parity persistence paradigm CJ Murray, DH Papell Journal of International Economics 56 (1), 1-19, 2002 | 327 | 2002 |
Is there a unit root in the inflation rate? Evidence from sequential break and panel data models SE Culver, DH Papell Journal of Applied Econometrics 12 (4), 435-444, 1997 | 322 | 1997 |
The structure of unemployment DH Papell, CJ Murray, H Ghiblawi Review of Economics and Statistics 82 (2), 309-315, 2000 | 295 | 2000 |
Convergence of international output time series evidence for 16 OECD countries Q Li, D Papell International review of economics & finance 8 (3), 267-280, 1999 | 254 | 1999 |
The great wars, the great crash, and steady state growth: Some new evidence about an old stylized fact D Ben-David, DH Papell Journal of Monetary Economics 36 (3), 453-475, 1995 | 249 | 1995 |
The choice of numeraire currency in panel tests of purchasing power parity DH Papell, H Theodoridis Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 790-803, 2001 | 242 | 2001 |
Quasi purchasing power parity ND Hegwood, DH Papell International Journal of Finance & Economics 3 (4), 279-289, 1998 | 236 | 1998 |
Are US regional incomes converging? Some further evidence MB Loewy, DH Papell Journal of Monetary Economics 38 (3), 587-598, 1996 | 208 | 1996 |
Taylor rules with real-time data: A tale of two countries and one exchange rate T Molodtsova, A Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, DH Papell Journal of Monetary Economics 55, S63-S79, 2008 | 206 | 2008 |
The great appreciation, the great depreciation, and the purchasing power parity hypothesis DH Papell Journal of International Economics 57 (1), 51-82, 2002 | 198 | 2002 |
Purchasing power parity and country characteristics: Evidence from panel data tests JD Alba, DH Papell Journal of development economics 83 (1), 240-251, 2007 | 189 | 2007 |
Increasing evidence of purchasing power parity over the current float DH Papell, H Theodoridis Journal of International Money and Finance 17 (1), 41-50, 1998 | 184 | 1998 |
Additional evidence of long-run purchasing power parity with restricted structural change DH Papell, R Prodan Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1329-1349, 2006 | 156 | 2006 |
Long-run purchasing power parity with short-run data: evidence with a null hypothesis of stationarity SE Culver, DH Papell Journal of International Money and Finance 18 (5), 751-768, 1999 | 148 | 1999 |
State of the art unit root tests and purchasing power parity C Lopez, CJ Murray, DH Papell Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 361-369, 2005 | 128 | 2005 |