Lexie Grudnoff
Lexie Grudnoff
Associate Professor University of Auckland
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Initial teacher education: What does it take to put equity at the center?
M Cochran-Smith, F Ell, L Grudnoff, M Haigh, M Hill, L Ludlow
Teaching and Teacher Education 57, 67-78, 2016
The challenge and promise of complexity theory for teacher education research
M Cochran-Smith, F Ell, L Ludlow, L Grudnoff, G Aitken
Teachers college record 116 (4), 1-38, 2014
Rethinking the practicum: Limitations and possibilities
L Grudnoff
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 39 (3), 223-234, 2011
Educating teacher educators: International perspectives
M Cochran-Smith, L Grudnoff, L Orland-Barak, K Smith
The New Educator 16 (1), 5-24, 2020
Making sense of reflection: A comparison of beginning and experienced teachers’ perceptions of reflection for practice
R Williams, L Grudnoff
Reflective Practice 12 (3), 281-291, 2011
When complexity theory meets critical realism: A platform for research on initial teacher education.
M Cochran-Smith, F Ell, L Grudnoff, L Ludlow, M Haigh, M Hill
Teacher Education Quarterly 41 (1), 105-122, 2014
Re-envisaging and reinvigorating school–university practicum partnerships
L Grudnoff, M Haigh, V Mackisack
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 45 (2), 180-193, 2017
Mapping a complex system: what influences teacher learning during initial teacher education?
F Ell, M Haigh, M Cochran-Smith, L Grudnoff, L Ludlow, MF Hill
Asia-Pacific journal of teacher education 45 (4), 327-345, 2017
Teaching for equity: Insights from international evidence with implications for a teacher education curriculum
L Grudnoff, M Haigh, M Hill, M Cochran-Smith, F Ell, L Ludlow
The Curriculum Journal 28 (3), 305-326, 2017
The politics of responsibility: Teacher education and “persistent underachievement” in New Zealand
F Ell, L Grudnoff
The Educational Forum 77 (1), 73-86, 2013
All’s well? New Zealand beginning teachers’ experience of induction provision in their first six months in school
L Grudnoff
Professional Development in Education 38 (3), 471-485, 2012
Pushing boundaries: Reworking university-school practicum relationships
L Grudnoff, R Williams
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 45 (2), 33-45, 2010
Rethinking initial teacher education: Preparing teachers for schools in low socio-economic communities in New Zealand
L Grudnoff, M Haigh, M Hill, M Cochran-Smith, F Ell, L Ludlow
Poverty discourses in Teacher education, 78-94, 2019
Finding out more about teacher candidates' prior knowledge: Implications for teacher educators
F Ell, M Hill, L Grudnoff
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 40 (1), 55-65, 2012
Transforming Norwegian teacher education: The final report of the international advisory panel for primary and lower secondary teacher education
M Cochran-Smith, M Alexandersson, V Ellis, L Grudnoff, K Hammerness, ...
NOKUT, 2020
Teacher preparation to proficiency and beyond: Exploring the landscape
L Ward, L Grudnoff, B Brooker, M Simpson
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 33 (1), 68-80, 2013
Practise what you preach: Initial teacher education students learning about assessment
MF Hill, F Ell, L Grudnoff, L Limbrick
Assessment Matters 7 (90), e112, 2014
Learning about teaching, learning while teaching, and becoming a teacher
L Grudnoff, B Tuck
English Teaching 2 (1), 33, 2003
Assessment for equity: Learning how to use evidence to scaffold learning and improve teaching
MF Hill, F Ell, L Grudnoff, M Haigh, M Cochran-Smith, WC Chang, ...
Developing teachers’ assessment capacity, 65-84, 2019
Measuring the complexity of teaching practice for equity: Development of a scenario-format scale
WCC Chang, LH Ludlow, L Grudnoff, F Ell, M Haigh, M Hill, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 82, 69-85, 2019
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