Chien-Chung Lee
Chien-Chung Lee
Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder
在 colorado.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
All polarization-maintaining Er fiber-based optical frequency combs with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
N Kuse, J Jiang, CC Lee, TR Schibli, ME Fermann
Optics express 24 (3), 3095-3102, 2016
Broadband graphene electro-optic modulators with sub-wavelength thickness
CC Lee, S Suzuki, W Xie, TR Schibli
Optics express 20 (5), 5264-5269, 2012
Frequency comb stabilization with bandwidth beyond the limit of gain lifetime by an intracavity graphene electro-optic modulator
CC Lee, C Mohr, J Bethge, S Suzuki, ME Fermann, I Hartl, TR Schibli
Optics Letters 37 (15), 3084-3086, 2012
Timing jitter characterization of mode-locked lasers with< 1 zs/√ Hz resolution using a simple optical heterodyne technique
D Hou, CC Lee, Z Yang, TR Schibli
Optics Letters 40 (13), 2985-2988, 2015
Doping-induced changes in the saturable absorption of monolayer graphene
CC Lee, JM Miller, TR Schibli
Applied Physics B 108, 129-135, 2012
Ultra-low noise all polarization-maintaining Er fiber-based optical frequency combs facilitated with a graphene modulator
N Kuse, CC Lee, J Jiang, C Mohr, TR Schibli, ME Fermann
Optics express 23 (19), 24342-24350, 2015
MHz, 58fs highly coherent Tm fiber soliton laser
J Jiang, C Mohr, J Bethge, A Mills, W Mefford, I Hartl, ME Fermann, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, CTh5D. 7, 2012
Ultra-short optical pulse generation with single-layer graphene
CC Lee, TR Schibli, G Acosta, JS Bunch
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 19 (04), 767-771, 2010
Intrinsic power oscillations generated by the backaction of continuum on solitons and its implications on the transfer functions of a mode-locked laser
CC Lee, TR Schibli
Physical Review Letters 112 (22), 223903, 2014
High-resolution Cs133 6S–6D, 6S–8S two-photon spectroscopy using an intracavity scheme
YH Chen, TW Liu, CM Wu, CC Lee, CK Lee, WY Cheng
Optics letters 36 (1), 76-78, 2011
Monolithic device for modelocking and stabilization of frequency combs
CC Lee, Y Hayashi, KL Silverman, A Feldman, T Harvey, RP Mirin, ...
Optics Express 23 (26), 33038-33043, 2015
Nondegradative dielectric coating on graphene by thermal evaporation of SiO
S Suzuki, CC Lee, T Nagamori, TR Schibli, M Yoshimura
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 (12R), 125102, 2013
Broadband midinfrared comb-resolved Fourier transform spectroscopy
KF Lee, P Masłowski, A Mills, C Mohr, J Jiang, CC Lee, TR Schibli, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, STh1N. 1, 2014
Mode-locking of an Er: Yb: glass laser with single layer graphene
CC Lee, G Acosta, JS Bunch, TR Schibli
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, TuE29, 2010
Frequency combs for cavity cascades: OPO combs and graphene-coupled cavities
KF Lee, G Kowzan, CC Lee, C Mohr, J Jiang, PG Schunemann, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50 (1), 014003, 2016
Ultra-low phase-noise Tm-fiber frequency comb with an intra-cavity graphene electro-optic modulator
I Hartl, CC Lee, C Mohr, J Bethge, S Suzuki, ME Fermann, TR Schibli
CLEO: Science and Innovations, CTh1J. 2, 2012
Precision polarization-maintaining Er optical frequency comb based on a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror
N Kuse, J Jiang, CC Lee, TR Schibli, ME Fermann
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM3H. 4, 2016
Er comb fiber laser with fceo noise below 0.2 rad
N Kuse, J Jiang, CC Lee, Y Yun, TR Schibli, ME Fermann
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, 25A2_2, 2015
Highly phase-coherent stabilization of carrier-envelope-offset frequency with graphene modulator on SESAM
CC Lee, Y Hayashi, D Hou, KL Silverman, A Feldman, T Harvey, RP Mirin, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM3H. 7, 2016
A systematic study of techniques to directly measure the saturable absorption of graphene
J Miller, CC Lee, T Schibli
APS Four Corners Section Meeting Abstracts, E1. 001, 2010
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