Junji Inukai
Junji Inukai
Clean Energy Research Center, University of Yamanashi
在 yamanashi.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Particle-size effect of nanoscale platinum catalysts in oxygen reduction reaction: an electrochemical and 195 Pt EC-NMR study
H Yano, J Inukai, H Uchida, M Watanabe, PK Babu, T Kobayashi, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (42), 4932-4939, 2006
Oxygen reduction reaction on ruthenium and rhodium nanoparticles modified with selenium and sulfur
D Cao, A Wieckowski, J Inukai, N Alonso-Vante
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153 (5), A869, 2006
In situ scanning tunneling microscopy of adsorbed sulfate on well-defined Pd (111) in sulfuric acid solution
LJ Wan, T Suzuki, K Sashikata, J Okada, J Inukai, K Itaya
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 484 (2), 189-193, 2000
Corrosion of carbon supports at cathode during hydrogen/air replacement at anode studied by visualization of oxygen partial pressures in a PEFC—Start-up/shut-down simulation
Y Ishigami, K Takada, H Yano, J Inukai, M Uchida, Y Nagumo, ...
Journal of Power Sources 196 (6), 3003-3008, 2011
Robust anion conductive polymers containing perfluoroalkylene and pendant ammonium groups for high performance fuel cells
H Ono, T Kimura, A Takano, K Asazawa, J Miyake, J Inukai, K Miyatake
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (47), 24804-24812, 2017
Adlayer Structure of and Electrochemical O2 Reduction on Cobalt Porphine-Modified and Cobalt Octaethylporphyrin-Modified Au(111) in HClO4
S Yoshimoto, J Inukai, A Tada, T Abe, T Morimoto, A Osuka, H Furuta, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (6), 1948-1954, 2004
Chalcogenide oxygen reduction reaction catalysis: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with Ru, Ru/Se and Ru/S samples emersed from aqueous media
A Lewera, J Inukai, WP Zhou, D Cao, HT Duong, N Alonso-Vante, ...
Electrochimica Acta 52 (18), 5759-5765, 2007
The structure of bisulfate and perchlorate on a Pt (111) electrode surface studied by infrared spectroscopy and ab-initio molecular orbital calculation
Y Sawatari, J Inukai, M Ito
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena 64, 515-522, 1993
Ordered adlayers of organic molecules on sulfur-modified Au (111): in situ scanning tunneling microscopy study
LJ Wan, S Shundo, J Inukai, K Itaya
Langmuir 16 (5), 2164-2168, 2000
Direct STM elucidation of the effects of atomic-level structure on Pt (111) electrodes for dissolved CO oxidation
J Inukai, DA Tryk, T Abe, M Wakisaka, H Uchida, M Watanabe
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (4), 1476-1490, 2013
Recent progress in electrochemical surface science with atomic and molecular levels
S Ye, T Kondo, N Hoshi, J Inukai, S Yoshimoto, M Osawa, K Itaya
Electrochemistry 77 (1), 2-20, 2009
Electrodeposition processes of palladium and rhodium monolayers on Pt (111) and Pt (100) electrodes studied by IR reflection absorption spectroscopy
J Inukai, M Ito
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 358 (1-2), 307-315, 1993
Underpotential deposition of mercury on Au (111) investigated by in situ scanning tunnelling microscopy
J Inukai, S Sugita, K Itaya
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 403 (1-2), 159-168, 1996
Underpotential and bulk deposition of copper on Pd (111) in sulfuric acid solution studied by in situ scanning tunneling microscopy
J Okada, J Inukai, K Itaya
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3 (16), 3297-3302, 2001
Making a monolayer hole in a graphite surface by means of a scanning tunneling microscope
W Mizutani, J Inukai, M Ono
Japanese journal of applied physics 29 (5A), L815, 1990
Adsorption of bisulfate anion on a Pt (111) electrode: a comparison of in-situ and ex-situ IRAS
H Ogasawara, Y Sawatari, J Inukai, M Ito
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 358 (1-2), 337-342, 1993
Coadsorption of copper and halogens on Pt (111) and Au (111) electrode surfaces studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
H Matsumoto, I Oda, J Inukai, M Ito
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 356 (1-2), 275-280, 1993
Effect of sulfuric acid concentration on the structure of sulfate adlayer on Au (1 1 1) electrode
K Sato, S Yoshimoto, J Inukai, K Itaya
Electrochemistry communications 8 (5), 725-730, 2006
Direct visualization of oxygen distribution in operating fuel cells
J Inukai, K Miyatake, K Takada, M Watanabe, T Hyakutake, H Nishide, ...
Angewandte Chemie 120 (15), 2834-2837, 2008
Coverage and potential dependent CO adsorption on Pt (1111),(711) and (100) electrode surfaces studied by infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy
S Watanabe, J Inukai, M Ito
Surface science 293 (1-2), 1-9, 1993
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