Danny George
Danny George
Penn State College of Medicine
在 psu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Dangers and opportunities for social media in medicine
DR George, LS Rovniak, JL Kraschnewski
Clinical obstetrics and gynecology 56 (3), 453-462, 2013
The myth of Alzheimer's: what you aren't being told about today's most dreaded diagnosis
PJ Whitehouse, D George
St. Martin's Griffin, 2008
Use of social media in graduate-level medical humanities education: Two pilot studies from Penn State College of Medicine
DR George, C Dellasega
Medical Teacher 33 (8), 429-434, 2011
Facebook-based stress management resources for first-year medical students: A multi-method evaluation
DR George, C Dellasega, MM Whitehead, A Bordon
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (3), 559-562, 2013
Overcoming the social death of dementia through language
DR George
The Lancet 376 (9741), 586-587, 2010
“Friending Facebook?” A minicourse on the use of social media by health professionals
DR George
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 31 (3), 215-219, 2011
Intergenerational volunteering and quality of life: mixed methods evaluation of a randomized control trial involving persons with mild to moderate dementia
DR George
Quality of life research 20, 987-995, 2011
A model of intergenerativity: How the intergenerational school is bringing the generations together to foster collective wisdom and community health
D George, C Whitehouse, P Whitehouse
Journal of intergenerational relationships 9 (4), 389-404, 2011
Marketplace of memory: what the brain fitness technology industry says about us and how we can do better
DR George, PJ Whitehouse
The Gerontologist 51 (5), 590-596, 2011
The Evolving Classification of Dementia: Placing the DSM-V in a Meaningful Historical and Cultural Context and Pondering the Future of “Alzheimer’s”
DR George, PJ Whitehouse, J Ballenger
Culture, medicine and psychiatry, 1-19, 2011
An arts-based intervention at a nursing home to improve medical students’ attitudes toward persons with dementia
DR George, HL Stuckey, MM Whitehead
Academic Medicine 88 (6), 837-842, 2013
Impact of participation in TimeSlips, a creative group-based storytelling program, on medical student attitudes toward persons with dementia: A qualitative study
DR George, HL Stuckey, CF Dillon, MM Whitehead
The Gerontologist 51 (5), 699-703, 2011
Intergenerational volunteering and quality of life for persons with mild to moderate dementia: Results from a 5-month intervention study in the United States
DR George, ME Singer
American Journal of Geriatric Psych 19 (4), 392, 2011
How a creative storytelling intervention can improve medical student attitude towards persons with dementia: A mixed methods study
DR George, HL Stuckey, MM Whitehead
Dementia 13 (3), 318-329, 2014
“I’ma Storyteller!” exploring the benefits of timeslips creative expression program at a nursing home
DR George, WS Houser
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias® 29 (8), 678-684, 2014
A growing opportunity: Community gardens affiliated with US hospitals and academic health centers
DR George, LS Rovniak, JL Kraschnewski, R Hanson, CN Sciamanna
Preventive Medicine Reports 2, 35-39, 2015
How we used two social media tools to enhance aspects of active learning during lectures
DR George, TD Dreibelbis, B Aumiller
Medical Teacher 35 (12), 985-988, 2013
Mythos Alzheimer
PJ Whitehouse, D George
Was Sie schon immer über Alzheimer wissen wollten, Ihnen aber nicht gesagt …, 2009
Public Health Potential of Farmers' Markets on Medical Center Campuses: A Case Study From Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
DR George, JL Kraschnewski, LS Rovniak
American Journal of Public Health, AJPH. 2011.300197 v1, 2011
The war (on terror) on Alzheimer’s
DR George, PJ Whitehouse
Dementia 13 (1), 120-130, 2014
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