Annelise Madison
Annelise Madison
Doctoral Student, Clinical Psychology
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Stress, depression, diet, and the gut microbiota: human–bacteria interactions at the core of psychoneuroimmunology and nutrition
A Madison, JK Kiecolt-Glaser
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 28, 105-110, 2019
Psychological and behavioral predictors of vaccine efficacy: considerations for COVID-19
AA Madison, MR Shrout, ME Renna, JK Kiecolt-Glaser
Perspectives on Psychological Science 16 (2), 191-203, 2021
Stress reactivity: what pushes us higher, faster, and longer—and why it matters
JK Kiecolt-Glaser, ME Renna, MR Shrout, AA Madison
Current directions in psychological science 29 (5), 492-498, 2020
Relationship satisfaction predicts lower stress and inflammation in breast cancer survivors: A longitudinal study of within-person and between-person effects
MR Shrout, ME Renna, AA Madison, CM Alfano, SP Povoski, AM Lipari, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 118, 104708, 2020
Worry and rumination in breast cancer patients: perseveration worsens self-rated health
ME Renna, M Rosie Shrout, AA Madison, M Lustberg, SP Povoski, ...
Journal of behavioral medicine 44, 253-259, 2021
Childhood abuse histories predict steeper inflammatory trajectories across time
ME Renna, J Peng, MR Shrout, AA Madison, R Andridge, CM Alfano, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 91, 541-545, 2021
Omega-3 supplementation and stress reactivity of cellular aging biomarkers: an ancillary substudy of a randomized, controlled trial in midlife adults
AA Madison, MA Belury, R Andridge, ME Renna, M Rosie Shrout, ...
Molecular psychiatry 26 (7), 3034-3042, 2021
Marriage and gut (microbiome) feelings: tracing novel dyadic pathways to accelerated aging
JK Kiecolt-Glaser, SJ Wilson, A Madison
Psychosomatic medicine 81 (8), 704-710, 2019
Breast cancer survivors' satisfying marriages predict better psychological and physical health: A longitudinal comparison of satisfied, dissatisfied, and unmarried women
MR Shrout, ME Renna, AA Madison, CM Alfano, SP Povoski, AM Lipari, ...
Psycho‐Oncology 30 (5), 699-707, 2021
Depression and anxiety in colorectal cancer patients: Ties to pain, fatigue, and inflammation
ME Renna, MR Shrout, AA Madison, CM Alfano, SP Povoski, AM Lipari, ...
Psycho‐Oncology 31 (9), 1536-1544, 2022
Distress trajectories in black and white breast cancer survivors: from diagnosis to survivorship
AA Madison, J Peng, MR Shrout, ME Renna, CM Alfano, SP Povoski, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 131, 105288, 2021
Cortisol slopes and conflict: A spouse’s perceived stress matters
MR Shrout, ME Renna, AA Madison, LM Jaremka, CP Fagundes, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 121, 104839, 2020
Afternoon distraction: a high-saturated-fat meal and endotoxemia impact postmeal attention in a randomized crossover trial
AA Madison, MA Belury, R Andridge, MR Shrout, ME Renna, ...
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (6), 1150-1158, 2020
The gut reaction to couples’ relationship troubles: A route to gut dysbiosis through changes in depressive symptoms
JK Kiecolt-Glaser, SJ Wilson, MR Shrout, AA Madison, R Andridge, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 125, 105132, 2021
Social anxiety symptoms, heart rate variability, and vocal emotion recognition in women: evidence for parasympathetically-mediated positivity bias
A Madison, M Vasey, CF Emery, JK Kiecolt-Glaser
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 34 (3), 243-257, 2021
Within-person changes in cancer-related distress predict breast cancer survivors’ inflammation across treatment
ME Renna, MR Shrout, AA Madison, CM Alfano, SP Povoski, AM Lipari, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 121, 104866, 2020
Risk assessment and heuristics: how cognitive shortcuts can fuel the spread of COVID-19
AA Madison, BM Way, TP Beauchaine, JK Kiecolt-Glaser
Brain, behavior, and immunity 94, 6, 2021
Endotoxemia coupled with heightened inflammation predicts future depressive symptoms
AA Madison, R Andridge, AC Padin, S Wilson, MT Bailey, CM Alfano, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 122, 104864, 2020
Frequent interpersonal stress and inflammatory reactivity predict depressive-symptom increases: Two tests of the social-signal-transduction theory of depression
AA Madison, R Andridge, MR Shrout, ME Renna, JM Bennett, ...
Psychological science 33 (1), 152-164, 2022
The gut microbiota and nervous system: Age-defined and age-defying
AA Madison, JK Kiecolt-Glaser
Seminars in cell & developmental biology 116, 98-107, 2021
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