Morteza Madadi-Shad
Morteza Madadi-Shad
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Effects of corrective training on drop landing ground reaction force characteristics and lower limb kinematics in older adults with genu valgus: A randomized controlled trial
AA Jafarnezhadgero, M Madadi-Shad, C McCrum, K Karamanidis
Journal of aging and physical activity 27 (1), 9-17, 2019
Effect of foot orthoses on the medial longitudinal arch in children with flexible flatfoot deformity: A three-dimensional moment analysis
AA Jafarnezhadgero, MM Shad, M Majlesi
Gait & posture 55, 75-80, 2017
The long-term use of foot orthoses affects walking kinematics and kinetics of children with flexible flat feet: A randomized controlled trial
AA Jafarnezhadgero, M Madadi-Shad, SM Alavi-Mehr, U Granacher
PloS one 13 (10), e0205187, 2018
A comparison of running kinetics in children with and without genu varus: A cross sectional study
AA Jafarnezhadgero, MM Shad, M Majlesi, U Granacher
PloS one 12 (9), e0185057, 2017
Effect of a corrective exercise program on gait kinetics and muscle activities in older adults with both low back pain and pronated feet: A double-blind, randomized controlled …
M Madadi-Shad, AA Jafarnezhadgero, H Sheikhalizade, VC Dionisio
Gait & Posture 76, 339-345, 2020
Combining valgus knee brace and lateral foot wedges reduces external forces and moments in osteoarthritis patients
AA Jafarnezhadgero, AS Oliveira, SH Mousavi, M Madadi-Shad
Gait & posture 59, 104-110, 2018
The effect of foot orthoses on joint moment asymmetry in male children with flexible flat feet
AA Jafarnezhadgero, MM Shad, R Ferber
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 22 (1), 83-89, 2018
Effect of kinesio taping on lower limb joint powers in individuals with genu varum
AA Jafarnezhadgero, MM Shad, M Majlesi, M Zago
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 22 (2), 511-518, 2018
Quantifying lower limb inter-joint coordination and coordination variability after four-month wearing arch support foot orthoses in children with flexible flat feet
AA Jafarnezhadgero, SH Mousavi, M Madadi-Shad, JM Hijmans
Human movement science 70, 102593, 2020
Effects of varus knee alignment on gait biomechanics and lower limb muscle activity in boys: A cross sectional study
M Madadi-Shad, AA Jafarnezhadgero, M Zago, U Granacher
Gait & posture 72, 69-75, 2019
The effects of low arched feet on lower limb joints moment asymmetry during gait in children: A cross sectional study
AA Jafarnezhadgero, M Majlesi, M Madadi-Shad
The Foot 34, 63-68, 2018
The effectiveness of a novel Kinesio Taping technique on the ground reaction force components during bilateral drop landing in athletes with concurrent pronated foot and …
AA Jafarnezhadgero, M Shahverdi, M Madadi Shad
Journal of Advanced Sport Technology 1 (1), 22-29, 2017
Do different methods for measuring joint moment asymmetry give the same results?
AA Jafarnezhadgero, M Madadi-Shad, FS Esker, DGE Robertson
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 22 (3), 741-746, 2018
Effect of 16-week corrective training program on three dimensional joint moments of the dominant and non-dominant lower limbs during gait in children with genu varus deformity
AA Jafarnezhadgero, M Majlesi, H Etemadi, R Hilfiker, BA Knarr, ...
Science & Sports 35 (1), 44. e1-44. e11, 2020
EMG analysis of trunk and lower limb muscles in three different squat exercises in athletes and non-athletes
B Taheri, A Barati, AA Norasteh, M Madadi-Shad
International journal of Sport Studies for Health 1 (2), 2018
A kinematic analysis of upper extremity joint when punching by three different methods in athletes of different skill levels
M Madadi Shad, N Farahpour
Journal of Sport Biomechanics 2 (4), 19-27, 2017
Immediate Effects of Anti-Pronation Foot Orthoses with Different Inclination Angles on Ground Reaction Force Components during Walking
M Madadi-Shad, N Farahpour, M Majlesi
The Scientific Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 8 (4), 92-102, 2019
Ferber RJJob, therapies m
A Jafarnezhadgero, MM Shad
The effect of foot orthoses on joint moment asymmetry in male children with …, 2018
Comparison between range of motion of elbow articulation in Elite Boxers during punch while deal with the punching bag and shadow boxing
M Madadi Shad, N Farahpour
Journal of sport biomechanics 13 (10), e0205187, 2018
Acute Effects o Foot Orthosis on Lower Limb Joint Angular Velocities During Normal Gait
AA Jafarnezhadgero, M Madadi-Shad, HR Momen, MB Hanifeh
The Scientific Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 11 (3), 370-381, 2022
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