Yusuke Iwasawa
Yusuke Iwasawa
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Large language models are zero-shot reasoners
T Kojima, SS Gu, M Reid, Y Matsuo, Y Iwasawa
Advances in neural information processing systems 35, 22199-22213, 2022
Graph-based knowledge tracing: modeling student proficiency using graph neural network
H Nakagawa, Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 156-163, 2019
Test-time classifier adjustment module for model-agnostic domain generalization
Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 2427-2440, 2021
Expressive speech synthesis via modeling expressions with variational autoencoder
K Akuzawa, Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.02135, 2018
Open x-embodiment: Robotic learning datasets and rt-x models
A Padalkar, A Pooley, A Jain, A Bewley, A Herzog, A Irpan, A Khazatsky, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08864, 2023
Adversarial invariant feature learning with accuracy constraint for domain generalization
K Akuzawa, Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2020
Privacy Issues Regarding the Application of DNNs to Activity-Recognition using Wearables and Its Countermeasures by Use of Adversarial Training.
Y Iwasawa, K Nakayama, I Yairi, Y Matsuo
IJCAI, 1930-1936, 2017
Large language models are zero-shot reasoners, 2022
T Kojima, SS Gu, M Reid, Y Matsuo, Y Iwasawa
URL https://arxiv. org/abs/2205.11916, 2023
Group equivariant conditional neural processes
M Kawano, W Kumagai, A Sannai, Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.08759, 2021
Combining human action sensing of wheelchair users and machine learning for autonomous accessibility data collection
Y Iwasawa, IE Yairi, Y Matsuo
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 99 (4), 1153-1161, 2016
Toward an automatic road accessibility information collecting and sharing based on human behavior sensing technologies of wheelchair users
Y Iwasawa, K Nagamine, IE Yairi, Y Matsuo
Procedia Computer Science 63, 74-81, 2015
Robustifying vision transformer without retraining from scratch by test-time class-conditional feature alignment
T Kojima, Y Matsuo, Y Iwasawa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.13951, 2022
Face-mask-aware facial expression recognition based on face parsing and vision transformer
B Yang, J Wu, K Ikeda, G Hattori, M Sugano, Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo
Pattern Recognition Letters 164, 173-182, 2022
Life-logging of wheelchair driving on web maps for visualizing potential accidents and incidents
Y Iwasawa, IE Yairi
PRICAI 2012: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Pacific Rim …, 2012
Suspicion-agent: Playing imperfect information games with theory of mind aware gpt-4
J Guo, B Yang, P Yoo, BY Lin, Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.17277, 2023
Road sensing: Personal sensing and machine learning for development of large scale accessibility map
Y Iwasawa, K Nagamine, Y Matsuo, I Eguchi Yairi
Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2015
Virtual reality as a user-friendly interface for learning from demonstrations
N Koganti, A Rahman HAG, Y Iwasawa, K Nakayama, Y Matsuo
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
An estimation of wheelchair user's muscle fatigue by accelerometers on smart devices
K Nagamine, Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo, IE Yairi
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on …, 2015
Domain prompt learning for efficiently adapting clip to unseen domains
X Zhang, SS Gu, Y Matsuo, Y Iwasawa
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 38 (6), B …, 2023
Extending robust adversarial reinforcement learning considering adaptation and diversity
H Shioya, Y Iwasawa, Y Matsuo
文章 1–20