Kaushan W. Devasurendra
Kaushan W. Devasurendra
PhD Candidate - University of Calgary, Canada.
在 ucalgary.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
An insight to motorized two and three wheel crashes in developing countries: A case study in Sri Lanka
K Devasurendra, L Perera, S Bandara
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 9 (sup1), 204-215, 2017
Integrating COVID-19 health risks into crowding costs for transit schedule planning
KW Devasurendra, S Saidi, SC Wirasinghe, L Kattan
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 13, 100522, 2022
A critical review of transit level of service measures and an overview of a proposed new approach
KW Devasurendra, SC Wirasinghe, L Kattan
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2020, 1-12, 2020
Accident analysis beyond descriptive statistics
KW Devasurendra
Evaluating transit mode choice in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic–A stated preference approach
S Pollock, KW Devasurendra, A Weiss, A de Barros, SC Wirasinghe, ...
Travel Behaviour and Society 34, 100678, 2024
A novel approach to transit level of service: headway level of service of a bus route
KW Devasurendra
Transportation Engineering Group, Department of Civil Engineering …, 2023
Effect of crowding cost on optimized headway of an urban bus route
KW Devasurendra, SC Wirasinghe, L Kattan
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, 2020
Assessment of curbside roadway level of service of the bandaranayke international airport-Sri Lanka: a comparison of the analysis tools in ACRP 40
HR Pasindu, KW Devasurendra, PAS Udayang
11 th Asia Pacific Conference on Transport and the Environment At: Malang …, 2018
A sustainable financing mechanism for urban rail projects: case study in Colombo, Sri Lanka
SA Somawardhana, KW Devasurendra
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa., 2016
Formulation of a rapid transit route network for Colombo
KW Devasurendra, G De Silva, R Sirisoma, J Bandara
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa., 2016
Pedestrian crash analysis in Uva Province: case study at Wellawaya, Buttala and Monaragala cities
K Devasurendra, G Galappaththi, L Perera, S Bandara
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa., 2015
Trends in heavy vehicle crashes in Sri Lanka
KW Devasurendra, L Perera, J Bandara
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa., 2014
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