Siddharth Patwardhan
Siddharth Patwardhan
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WordNet:: Similarity-Measuring the Relatedness of Concepts.
T Pedersen, S Patwardhan, J Michelizzi
AAAI 4, 25-29, 2004
OpinionFinder: A system for subjectivity analysis
T Wilson, P Hoffmann, S Somasundaran, J Kessler, J Wiebe, Y Choi, ...
Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005 Interactive Demonstrations, 34-35, 2005
Measures of semantic similarity and relatedness in the biomedical domain
T Pedersen, SVS Pakhomov, S Patwardhan, CG Chute
Journal of biomedical informatics 40 (3), 288-299, 2007
Using measures of semantic relatedness for word sense disambiguation
S Patwardhan, S Banerjee, T Pedersen
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 4th International …, 2003
Using WordNet-based context vectors to estimate the semantic relatedness of concepts
S Patwardhan, T Pedersen
Proceedings of the Workshop on Making Sense of Sense: Bringing …, 2006
Identifying sources of opinions with conditional random fields and extraction patterns
Y Choi, C Cardie, E Riloff, S Patwardhan
Proceedings of human language technology conference and conference on …, 2005
Feature subsumption for opinion analysis
E Riloff, S Patwardhan, J Wiebe
Proceedings of the 2006 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2006
Maximizing semantic relatedness to perform word sense disambiguation
T Pedersen, S Banerjee, S Patwardhan
University of Minnesota supercomputing institute research report UMSI 25, 2005, 2005
Question analysis: How Watson reads a clue
A Lally, JM Prager, MC McCord, BK Boguraev, S Patwardhan, J Fan, ...
IBM Journal of research and development 56 (3.4), 2: 1-2: 14, 2012
Incorporating dictionary and corpus information into a context vector measure of semantic relatedness
S Patwardhan
University of Minnesota, Duluth, 2003
The role of context types and dimensionality in learning word embeddings
O Melamud, D McClosky, S Patwardhan, M Bansal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.00893, 2016
Effective information extraction with semantic affinity patterns and relevant regions
S Patwardhan, E Riloff
Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural …, 2007
A unified model of phrasal and sentential evidence for information extraction
S Patwardhan, E Riloff
Proceedings of the 2009 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2009
Learning to predict readability using diverse linguistic features
R Kate, X Luo, S Patwardhan, M Franz, R Florian, R Mooney, S Roukos, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational …, 2010
Structured data and inference in DeepQA
A Kalyanpur, BK Boguraev, S Patwardhan, JW Murdock, A Lally, C Welty, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development 56 (3.4), 10: 1-10: 14, 2012
An empirical analysis of word error rate and keyword error rate.
Y Park, S Patwardhan, K Visweswariah, SC Gates
Interspeech 2008, 2070-2073, 2008
WatsonPaths: scenario-based question answering and inference over unstructured information
A Lally, S Bagchi, MA Barborak, DW Buchanan, J Chu-Carroll, ...
AI magazine 38 (2), 59-76, 2017
Senserelate:: Targetword-A generalized framework for word sense disambiguation
S Patwardhan, S Banerjee, T Pedersen
ACL 2005, 73-76, 2005
Generating secondary questions in an introspective question answering system
BK Boguraev, DW Buchanan, J Chu-Carroll, DA Ferrucci, AA Kalyanpur, ...
US Patent 10,614,725, 2020
UMND1: Unsupervised word sense disambiguation using contextual semantic relatedness
S Patwardhan, S Banerjee, T Pedersen
Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on semantic evaluations …, 2007
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