Luis Henrique Bassoi
Luis Henrique Bassoi
Pesquisador, Embrapa Instrumentação; Professor PG Engenharia Agrícola FCA UNESP
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Contribution of water content and bulk density to field soil penetration resistance as measured by a combined cone penetrometer–TDR probe
CMP Vaz, LH Bassoi, JW Hopmans
Soil and Tillage Research 60 (1-2), 35-42, 2001
Agricultura de precisão: resultados de um novo olhar.
ACDC Bernardi, JDM Naime, AVD Resende, LH BASSOI, RY INAMASU, ...
Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2014. 596 p., 2014
Crop water parameters of irrigated wine and table grapes to support water productivity analysis in the Sao Francisco river basin, Brazil
AHC Teixeira, WGM Bastiaanssen, LH Bassoi
Agricultural water management 94 (1-3), 31-42, 2007
A spatially distributed hydroeconomic model to assess the effects of drought on land use, farm profits, and agricultural employment
MP Maneta, MO Torres, WW Wallender, S Vosti, R Howitt, L Rodrigues, ...
Water Resources Research 45 (11), 2009
Water demand and flows in the São Francisco River Basin (Brazil) with increased irrigation
MP Maneta, M Torres, WW Wallender, S Vosti, M Kirby, LH Bassoi, ...
Agricultural Water Management 96 (8), 1191-1200, 2009
Grapevine root distribution in drip and microsprinkler irrigation
LH Bassoi, JW Hopmans, LAC Jorge, CM Alencar
Scientia Agricola 60, 377-387, 2003
Recomendações práticas para aquisição de imagens digitais analisadas atraves do SIARCS.
Agricultura de Precisão: um novo olhar.
RY Inamasu, JM NAIME, AV de Resende, LH Bassoi, ACC BERNARDI, ...
São Carlos, SP: Embrapa Instrumentação, 2011. 334 p., 2011
Economic impacts of regional water scarcity in the São Francisco River Basin, Brazil: an application of a linked hydro-economic model
MO Torres, M Maneta, R Howitt, SA Vosti, WW Wallender, LH Bassoi, ...
Environment and Development Economics 17 (2), 227-248, 2012
Agricultura de precisão e agricultura digital.
LH Bassoi, RY Inamasu, ACC Bernardi, CMP Vaz, EA Speranza, ...
TECCOGS, n. 20, jul./dez., 2019., 2019
A comparative study of techniques for modeling the spatiotemporal distribution of heat and moisture fluxes at different agroecosystems in Brazil.
AHC Teixeira, FBT Hernandez, HL Lopes, M Scherer-Warren, LH Bassoi
In: PETROPOULOS, GP (Ed.). Remote sensing of energy fluxes and soil moisture …, 2013
Preliminary results of a long-term experiment about RDI and PRD irrigation strategies in winegrapes in São Francisco Valley, Brazil
LH Bassoi, BF Dantas, JMP Lima Filho, MAC Lima, PCS Leão, DJ Silva, ...
International Workshop on Advances in Grapevine and Wine Research 754, 275-282, 2005
Soil water retention measurements using a combined Tensiometer‐Coiled time domain reflectometry probe
CMP Vaz, JW Hopmans, A Macedo, LH Bassoi, D Wildenschild
Soil Science Society of America Journal 66 (6), 1752-1759, 2002
Soil moisture calibration of TDR multilevel probes
D Serrarens, JL MacIntyre, JW Hopmans, LH Bassoi
Scientia Agricola 57, 349-354, 2000
Crop water productivity in semi-arid regions: from field to large scales.
AHC Teixeira, LH Bassoi
Annals of Arid Zone, v. 48, n. 3/4, p. 285-297, 2009., 2009
Estimativa do consumo hídrico da goiabeira, utilizando estações agrometeorológicas automática e convencional
AHC Teixeira, LH Bassoi, VCS Reis, TGF Silva, MNL Ferreira, JLT Maia
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 25, 457-460, 2003
Delineation of irrigation management zones in a Quartzipsamment of the Brazilian semiarid region
H Oldoni, LH Bassoi
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 51, 1283-1294, 2016
Effect of humic substances and weather conditions on leaf biochemical changes of fertigated guava tree, during orchard establishment
BF Dantas, MS Pereira, LS Ribeiro, JLT Maia, LH Bassoi
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 29, 632-638, 2007
Guidelines for irrigation scheduling of banana crop in São Francisco Valley, Brazil. II-Water consumption, crop coefficient, and physiologycal behavior
LH Bassoi, AHC Teixeira, JMP Lima Filho, JAM Silva, EEG Silva, ...
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 26, 464-467, 2004
Estimativa da evapotranspiração da mangueira com base no balanço hídrico do solo
VPR da Silva, PV Azevedo, BB Silva, LH Bassoi, AHC Teixeira, ...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 5, 456-462, 2001
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