Xiao LIU (刘晓)
Xiao LIU (刘晓)
Professor, Industrial Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
在 sjtu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
刘晓, 李海越, 王成恩, 储诚斌
中国管理科学, 139-148, 2012
A hybrid genetic algorithm for the multi-depot open vehicle routing problem
R Liu, Z Jiang, N Geng
OR spectrum 36, 401-421, 2014
Key factors influencing public awareness of household solid waste recycling in urban areas of China: A case study
H Wang, X Liu, N Wang, K Zhang, F Wang, S Zhang, R Wang, P Zheng, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 158, 104813, 2020
The close–open mixed vehicle routing problem
R Liu, Z Jiang
European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2), 349-360, 2012
A bi-objective robust model for emergency resource allocation under uncertainty
CL Hu, X Liu, YK Hua
International Journal of Production Research 54 (24), 7421-7438, 2016
Application of social network theory to prioritizing Oil & Gas industries protection in a networked critical infrastructure system
CL Chai, X Liu, WJ Zhang, Z Baber
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 24 (5), 688-694, 2011
Data-driven analytical framework for waste-dumping behaviour analysis to facilitate policy regulations
P Jiang, Y Van Fan, J Zhou, M Zheng, X Liu, JJ Klemeš
Waste Management 103, 285-295, 2020
A capacitated production planning problem for closed-loop supply chain with remanufacturing
J Zhang, X Liu, YL Tu
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 54, 757-766, 2011
Hybrid Hidden Markov Models for resilience metrics in a dynamic infrastructure system
S Zhao, X Liu, Y Zhuo
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 164, 84-97, 2017
Production planning with limited inventory capacity and allowed stockout
X Liu, Y Tu
International Journal of Production Economics 111 (1), 180-191, 2008
Resilience analysis framework for interconnected critical infrastructures
X Liu, E Ferrario, E Zio
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B …, 2017
Designing a smart incentive-based recycling system for household recyclable waste
J Zhou, P Jiang, J Yang, X Liu
Waste Management 123, 142-153, 2021
A two-stage stochastic mixed-integer program for the capacitated logistics fortification planning under accidental disruptions
X Qin, X Liu, L Tang
Computers & Industrial Engineering 65 (4), 614-623, 2013
Manufacturing perspective of enterprise application integration: the state of the art review
X Liu, WJ Zhang, R Radhakrishnan, YL Tu
International Journal of Production Research 46 (16), 4567-4596, 2008
Hidden Markov model for municipal waste generation forecasting under uncertainties
P Jiang, X Liu
European Journal of Operational Research 250 (2), 639-651, 2016
A novel approach to probability distribution aggregation
X Liu, A Ghorpade, YL Tu, WJ Zhang
Information Sciences 188, 269-275, 2012
Machine learning based prediction for China's municipal solid waste under the shared socioeconomic pathways
C Zhang, H Dong, Y Geng, H Liang, X Liu
Journal of Environmental Management 312, 114918, 2022
A bi-objective two-stage robust location model for waste-to-energy facilities under uncertainty
C Hu, X Liu, J Lu
Decision Support Systems 99, 37-50, 2017
A memetic algorithm for the open capacitated arc routing problem
RYK Fung, R Liu, Z Jiang
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 50, 53-67, 2013
An analytical approach to customer requirement satisfaction in design specification development
X Liu, WJ Zhang, YL Tu, R Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 55 (1), 94-102, 2008
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