Eco-innovation: final report for sectoral innovation watch A Reid, M Miedzinski SYSTEMATIC Eco-Innovation Report, 2008 | 417* | 2008 |
An empirical test of the regional innovation paradox: can smart specialisation overcome the paradox in Central and Eastern Europe? A Muscio, A Reid, L Rivera Leon Journal of Economic Policy Reform 18 (2), 153-171, 2015 | 127 | 2015 |
Innovative Regions?: A Comparative review of methods of evaluating regional innovation potential C Nauwelaers, A Reid CIACO, 1995 | 106 | 1995 |
Smart specialisation strategies in south Europe during crisis N Komninos, B Musyck, A Iain Reid European Journal of Innovation Management 17 (4), 448-471, 2014 | 84* | 2014 |
Smart systems of innovation for smart places: Challenges in deploying digital platforms for co-creation and data-intelligence A Panori, C Kakderi, N Komninos, K Fellnhofer, A Reid, L Mora Land Use Policy, 104631, 2020 | 81 | 2020 |
Quadruple Helix Models for Sustainable Regional Innovation: Engaging and Facilitating Civil Society Participation M Roman, H Varga, V Cvijanovic, A Reid Economies 8 (2), 48, 2020 | 80 | 2020 |
Developing regional innovation strategies: the European Commission as animateur M Landabaso, A Reid Regional Innovation Strategies: The Challenge for Less Favoured Regions, 1999 | 69* | 1999 |
Methodologies for the evaluation of regional innovation potential C Nauwelaers, A Reid Scientometrics 34 (3), 497-511, 1995 | 69 | 1995 |
Innovation policy for knowledge–based economy in Central and Eastern Europe: driver of growth or new layer of bureaucracy? S Radošević, A Reid Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 | 57 | 2006 |
Learning innovation policy in market-based context: process, issues and challenges for EU candidate countries C Nauwelaers, A Reid Journal of International Relations and Development 5 (4)), 357-379, 2002 | 51 | 2002 |
Industrial policy in Wallonia: A rupture with the past? A Reid, B Musyck European Planning Studies 8 (2), 183-200, 2000 | 49 | 2000 |
Innovation and regional development, do European structural funds make a difference? B Musyck, A Reid European Planning Studies 15 (7), 961-983, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
RIS3 National Assessment: Greece Smart specialisation as a means to foster economic renewal A Reid, N Komninos, JA Sanchez-P, P Tsanakas a report to the European Commission, DG Regional Policy, Slovenia, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
RIS3 National Assessment: Greece A Reid, N Komninos, J Sanchez, P Tsanakas Smart Specialisation as a Means to Foster Economic Renewal report to the …, 2012 | 38* | 2012 |
Study: Effects of counterfeiting on EU SMEs and a review of various public and private IPR enforcement initiatives and resources S Rodwell, P Van Eeckhout, A Reid, J Walendowski Framework contract B 3, 2007 | 37 | 2007 |
The role of Technology and Technology-based Firms in Economic Development: Rethinking Innovation and Enterprise Policy in Scotland A Coad, A Reid Technopolis Group, August, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Tackling the paradox: can attaining global research excellence be compatible with local technology development? JV Helleputte, A Reid R&D Management 34 (1), 33-44, 2004 | 29 | 2004 |
European innovation progress report 2008 L Tsipouri, A Reid, M Miedzinski Brussels: Directorate-General for Enterprise Policy, European Commission, 2008 | 27 | 2008 |
The Role of Different Funding Models in Stimulating the Creation of Innovative New Companies A Reid, P Nightingale What is the most appropriate model for Europe, 2011 | 24* | 2011 |
From strategy to implementation: the real challenge for smart specialization policy A Reid, N Maroulis Advances in the Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization, 293-318, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |