Adrián Carro
The noisy voter model on complex networks
A Carro, R Toral, MS Miguel
Scientific Reports 6, 24775, 2016
The role of noise and initial conditions in the asymptotic solution of a bounded confidence, continuous-opinion model
A Carro, R Toral, M San Miguel
Journal of Statistical Physics 151, 131-149, 2013
Analytical and numerical study of the non-linear noisy voter model on complex networks
AF Peralta, A Carro, MS Miguel, R Toral
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28, 075516, 2018
Stochastic pair approximation treatment of the noisy voter model
AF Peralta, A Carro, MS Miguel, R Toral
New Journal of Physics 20 (10), 103045, 2018
Markets, herding and response to external information
A Carro, R Toral, M San Miguel
PloS one 10 (7), e0133287, 2015
The Incidence, Value and Delivery of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy in England in 2018/19
A Lord, R Dunning, B Dockerill, G Burgess, A Carro, T Crook, C Watkins, ...
London: Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government, 2018
Herding and idiosyncratic choices: Nonlinearity and aging-induced transitions in the noisy voter model
O Artime, A Carro, AF Peralta, JJ Ramasco, M San Miguel, R Toral
Comptes Rendus. Physique 20 (4), 262-274, 2019
Heterogeneous effects and spillovers of macroprudential policy in an agent-based model of the UK housing market
A Carro, M Hinterschweiger, A Uluc, JD Farmer
Industrial and Corporate Change 32 (2), 386-432, 2023
Coupled dynamics of node and link states in complex networks: A model for language competition
A Carro, R Toral, MS Miguel
New J. Phys. 18 (11), 113056, 2016
Fragmentation transition in a coevolving network with link-state dynamics
A Carro, F Vazquez, R Toral, M San Miguel
Physical Review E 89 (6), 062802, 2014
Explaining herding and volatility in the cyclical price dynamics of urban housing markets using a large-scale agent-based model
KS Glavatskiy, M Prokopenko, A Carro, P Ormerod, M Harre
SN Business & Economics 1 (6), 76, 2021
Two tales of complex system analysis: MaxEnt and agent-based modeling
J Yang, A Carro
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 229 (9), 1623-1643, 2020
Taming the housing roller coaster: The impact of macroprudential policy on the house price cycle
A Carro
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 156, 104753, 2023
MR POTATOHEAD: Property Market Edition| Development of a Common Description Template and Code Base for Agent-Based Land Market Models
DC Parker, A Carro, C Detotto, T Filatova, J Ge, Y Huang, C Idda, ...
Social Simulation Conference 2019, 15th annual Social Simulation Conference, 2019
Uncertainty, non-linear contagion and the credit quality channel: An application to the Spanish interbank market
A Carro, P Stupariu
Journal of Financial Stability 71, 101226, 2024
Abce: A python library for economic agent-based modeling
D Taghawi-Nejad, RH Tanin, RM Del Rio Chanona, A Carro, JD Farmer, ...
Social Informatics: 9th International Conference, SocInfo 2017, Oxford, UK …, 2017
Individual-based models of collective dynamics in socio-economic systems
A Carro
Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2016
The impact of prudential regulations on the UK housing market and economy: insights from an agent-based model
M Bardoscia, A Carro, M Hinterschweiger, M Napoletano, A Roventini, ...
Bank of England Working Paper, 2024
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