An introduction to deep learning for the physical layer T O’Shea, J Hoydis IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 3 (4), 563-575, 2017 | 2722 | 2017 |
Massive MIMO in the UL/DL of cellular networks: How many antennas do we need? J Hoydis, S Ten Brink, M Debbah IEEE Journal on selected Areas in Communications 31 (2), 160-171, 2013 | 2660 | 2013 |
Massive MIMO networks: Spectral, energy, and hardware efficiency E Björnson, J Hoydis, L Sanguinetti Foundations and Trends® in Signal Processing 11 (3-4), 154-655, 2017 | 1827 | 2017 |
Smart radio environments empowered by reconfigurable AI meta-surfaces: An idea whose time has come MD Renzo, M Debbah, DT Phan-Huy, A Zappone, MS Alouini, C Yuen, ... EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2019 (1), 1-20, 2019 | 1518 | 2019 |
Massive MIMO systems with non-ideal hardware: Energy efficiency, estimation, and capacity limits E Björnson, J Hoydis, M Kountouris, M Debbah IEEE Transactions on information theory 60 (11), 7112-7139, 2014 | 1072 | 2014 |
Optimal design of energy-efficient multi-user MIMO systems: Is massive MIMO the answer? E Björnson, L Sanguinetti, J Hoydis, M Debbah IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 14 (6), 3059-3075, 2015 | 879 | 2015 |
Deep learning-based communication over the air S Dörner, S Cammerer, J Hoydis, S ten Brink IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2017 | 846 | 2017 |
Massive MIMO is a reality—What is next?: Five promising research directions for antenna arrays E Björnson, L Sanguinetti, H Wymeersch, J Hoydis, TL Marzetta Digital Signal Processing 94, 3-20, 2019 | 733 | 2019 |
On deep learning-based channel decoding T Gruber, S Cammerer, J Hoydis, S Ten Brink 2017 51st annual conference on information sciences and systems (CISS), 1-6, 2017 | 595 | 2017 |
Green small-cell networks J Hoydis, M Kobayashi, M Debbah IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 6 (1), 37-43, 2011 | 593 | 2011 |
Massive MIMO has unlimited capacity E Björnson, J Hoydis, L Sanguinetti IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (1), 574-590, 2017 | 453 | 2017 |
Model-free training of end-to-end communication systems FA Aoudia, J Hoydis IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (11), 2503-2516, 2019 | 375* | 2019 |
Massive MIMO: How many antennas do we need? J Hoydis, S Ten Brink, M Debbah 2011 49th Annual Allerton conference on communication, control, and …, 2011 | 362 | 2011 |
Channel measurements for large antenna arrays J Hoydis, C Hoek, T Wild, S ten Brink 2012 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 811-815, 2012 | 325 | 2012 |
Toward massive MIMO 2.0: Understanding spatial correlation, interference suppression, and pilot contamination L Sanguinetti, E Björnson, J Hoydis IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (1), 232-257, 2019 | 321 | 2019 |
OFDM-autoencoder for end-to-end learning of communications systems A Felix, S Cammerer, S Dörner, J Hoydis, S Ten Brink 2018 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2018 | 287 | 2018 |
Designing multi-user MIMO for energy efficiency: When is massive MIMO the answer? E Björnson, L Sanguinetti, J Hoydis, M Debbah 2014 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 242-247, 2014 | 258 | 2014 |
Making smart use of excess antennas: Massive MIMO, small cells, and TDD J Hoydis, K Hosseini, S Ten Brink, M Debbah Bell Labs Technical Journal 18 (2), 5-21, 2013 | 239 | 2013 |
Scaling deep learning-based decoding of polar codes via partitioning S Cammerer, T Gruber, J Hoydis, S Ten Brink GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE global communications conference, 1-6, 2017 | 238 | 2017 |
Adaptive neural signal detection for massive MIMO M Khani, M Alizadeh, J Hoydis, P Fleming IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (8), 5635-5648, 2020 | 227 | 2020 |