Len Pagliaro
Len Pagliaro
CEO, Siva Therapeutics Inc
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A simple technique for reducing edge effect in cell-based assays
BK Lundholt, KM Scudder, L Pagliaro
Journal of biomolecular screening 8 (5), 566-570, 2003
Emerging classes of protein–protein interaction inhibitors and new tools for their development
L Pagliaro, J Felding, K Audouze, SJ Nielsen, RB Terry, C Krog-Jensen, ...
Current opinion in chemical biology 8 (4), 442-449, 2004
The Molecular Nature of the F-actin Binding Activity of Aldolase Revealed with Site-directed Mutants (∗)
J Wang, AJ Morris, DR Tolan, L Pagliaro
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (12), 6861-6865, 1996
Aldolase exists in both the fluid and solid phases of cytoplasm.
L Pagliaro, DL Taylor
The Journal of cell biology 107 (3), 981-991, 1988
Metabolic compartmentation in living cells: structural association of aldolase
J Wang, DR Tolan, L Pagliaro
Experimental cell research 237 (2), 445-451, 1997
2-Deoxyglucose and cytochalasin D modulate aldolase mobility in living 3T3 cells.
L Pagliaro, DL Taylor
The Journal of cell biology 118 (4), 859-863, 1992
Nuclear Export Inhibitors and Kinase Inhibitors Identified Using a MAPK-Activated Protein Kinase 2 Redistribution® Screen
DLC Almholt, F Loechel, SJ Nielsen, C Krog-Jensen, R Terry, SP Bjørn, ...
Assay and Drug Development Technologies 2 (1), 7-20, 2004
High content screening for G protein-coupled receptors using cell-based protein translocation assays
C Granas, BK Lundholt, A Heydorn, V Linde, HC Pedersen, ...
Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 8 (4), 301-309, 2005
Enolase exists in the fluid phase of cytoplasm in 3T3 cells
L Pagliaro, K Kerr, DL taylor
Journal of cell science 94 (2), 333-342, 1989
Protein Translocation Assays: Key Tools for Accessing New Biological Information with High‐Throughput Microscopy
A Heydorn, BK Lundholt, M Praestegaard, L Pagliaro
Methods in enzymology 414, 513-530, 2006
Glycolysis revisited-A funny thing happened on the way to the Krebs cycle
L Pagliaro
Physiology 8 (5), 219-223, 1993
An optical pressure chamber designed for high numerical aperture studies on adherent living cells.
L Pagliaro, F Reitz, J Wang
Undersea & hyperbaric medicine: journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric …, 1995
Concanavalin A binding induces association of possible mating-type receptors with the cytoskeleton in Tetrahymena
L Pagliaro, J Wolfe
Experimental cell research 168 (1), 138-152, 1987
Mechanisms for cytoplasmic organization: an overview
L Pagliaro
International review of cytology 192, 303-318, 1999
Transfected cell lines as tools for high throughput screening: a call for standards
L Pagliaro, M Præstegaard
Journal of Biomolecular Screening 6 (3), 133-136, 2001
A computer-interfaced falling ball viscometer
J Wang, F Reitz, T Donaldson, L Pagliaro
Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 28 (4), 251-261, 1994
High content translocation assays for pathway profiling
F Loechel, S Bjørn, V Linde, M Præstegaard, L Pagliaro
High Content Screening: A Powerful Approach to Systems Cell Biology and Drug …, 2006
Fluorescent proteins
SP Bjorn, L Pagliaro, O Thastrup
US Patent 7,001,986, 2006
Does regulatory protein play a role in glucokinase localization?
FB Reitz, L Pagliaro
Hormone and metabolic research 29 (06), 317-321, 1997
Glycolysis in vivo: fluorescence microscopy as a tool for studying enzyme organization in living cells
L Pagliaro
Advances in molecular and cell biology 11, 93-123, 1995
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