Study of various decision tree pruning methods with their empirical comparison in WEKA N Patel, S Upadhyay International journal of computer applications 60 (12), 2012 | 174 | 2012 |
Optical flow measurement using lucas kanade method D Patel, S Upadhyay International Journal of Computer Applications 61 (10), 6-10, 2013 | 106 | 2013 |
Estimation of cotton yield based on weather parameters of Banaskantha district in Gujarat state NJ Rankja, SM Upadhyay, HR Pandya, BA Parmar, SL Varmora Journal of Agrometeorology 12 (1), 47-52, 2010 | 7 | 2010 |
Disease control and growth promotion in tomato, potato and paddy by Trichoderma viride and T. harzianum L Kharakrang, A Kabitarani, S Upadhyay, DN Upadhyay INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY 20 (1/2), 25-29, 2002 | 4 | 2002 |
Estimation of cotton yield based on weather parameters of Junagadh district in Gujarat state NJ Rankja, SM Upadhyay, SL Varmora, BA Parmar, DD Sahu Journal of Agrometeorology 11 (2), 152-155, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Long-term effect of continuous pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system and manuring on soil fertility and yield stability. SK Patel, MM Patel, GN Karelia, DM Patel, SM Upadhyay, BA Patel | 2 | 1991 |
Study and analysis of various factors affecting evaporation loss of liquid nitrogen storage vessels and detailing of standard procedure for measurement of such loss rate S Tino, SL Upadhyay, MCA Naidu, KM Kavani, DR Patel Indian Cryogenics Council 40 (1), 12-17, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Forecasting model for cotton yield based on generated weather variables of Ahmedabad district in Gujarat state NJ Rankja, SM Upadhyay, SL Varmora J. Agrometeorol 11, 183-188, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |
Time series analysis of castor crop for price forecasting in Gujarat: A comprehensive study V Gohil, SM Upadhyay, DV Patel, J Delvadiya, H Patel | | 2023 |
Price Dynamics of Domestic and International Wheat Markets: A Vector Error Correction Mechanism (VECM) Approach B Swaminathan, PR Vekariya, SM Upadhyay, AG Sabhaya Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 39 (3), 15-20, 2021 | | 2021 |
Estimation of adult equivalent scale for consumption expenditure of food and non-food items in rural and urban sectors of south saurashtra agro-climatic zone PB Marviya, SM Upadhyay, MS Shitap, AG Sabhaya, PK Ukani IJCS 5 (6), 490-494, 2017 | | 2017 |
Design and realization of pure LN2 supply system for cooling of black body targets to qualify meteorology payloads DG Rathod, SL Upadhyay, S Tino, NR Soni, KM Kavani, DR Patel Indian Cryogenics Council 40 (1), 157-161, 2015 | | 2015 |
Upgradation of liquid nitrogen distribution lines of large thermal vacuum chamber at SAC, Ahmedabad SL Upadhyay, S Tino, NR Soni, KM Kavani, DR Patel Indian Cryogenics Council 39 (1), 138-143, 2014 | | 2014 |
Disease control and growth promotion of tomato, potato and paddy by Trichoderma viride and T. harzianum A Kabitarani, S Upadhyay, DN Upadhyay INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY 22 (1/2), 59, 2004 | | 2004 |
An analysis of consumption pattern in rural and urban sectors of Amreli district (Gujarat). SM Upadhyay, SK Dixit, HR Pandya, RL Kalawadia | | 2000 |
Rural-urban inequalities in consumption expenditure on milk and milk products in Amreli district (Gujarat). SM Upadhyay, SK Dixit, HR Pandya, SV Sima Vyas | | 1999 |
A statistical investigation on consumption pattern offood'andnon-food'commodities in rural and urban sectors of Amreli district (Gujarat) SM Upadhyay GUJARAT AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL 25 (1), 117-117, 1999 | | 1999 |
Optimum plot size for summer paddy in the Navsari zone of Gujarat. SM Upadyay, BH Prajapati, KR Raja, VB Darji | | 1994 |
Estimate of optimum plot size from uniformity data of mustard for north Gujarat. BH Prajapati, TJ Khatri, SM Upadhyay, RS Fougut | | 1993 |
Response of mustard to N, P and K under irrigated conditions on farmers fields in Mehsana district of Gujarat. NP Patel, GN Karelia, SM Upadhyay, DM Patel, PP Vihol Gujarat Agricultural University Research Journal (India) 17 (2), 1992 | | 1992 |