Alek Alek
Linguistik Umum
A Alek
Gelora Aksara Pratama, 2012
Bahasa Indonesia untuk Perguruan Tinggi
A Alek
Illocutionary speech acts analysis in Tom Cruise's interview
GM Haucsa, AG Marzuki, A Alek, DN Hidayat
Academic Journal Perspective: Education, Language, and Literature 8 (1), 11-19, 2020
Self-assessment in exploring EFL students’ speaking skill
A Alek, AG Marzuki, M Farkhan, R Deni
Al-Ta lim Journal 27 (2), 208-214, 2020
Cohesive Devices in Student’ s Writing (A Discourse Analysis on Argumentative Text)
HH Albana, AG Marzuki, DN Hidayat
Jurnal Pendidikan Humaniora 8 (1), 2020
Computer based testing in senior high school on national examination
A Alek, AG Marzuki, M Farkhan, D Surahman, D Daryanto, S Febrianto
Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling 2 (2), 204-210, 2020
A Critical Discourse Analysis of song “Look What You Made Me Do” by Taylor Swift
A Alek, AG Marzuki, DN Hidayat, ENA Sari
Eralingua: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing dan Sastra 4 (2), 154-161, 2020
Investigating figurative language in “Lose You to Love Me” song lyric
ENF Dewi, DN Hidayat, A Alek
Loquen: English Studies Journal 13 (1), 6-16, 2020
Gender representation in English textbooks for Islamic junior high school students
F Fahriany, A Alek, IS Wekke
Kafaah: Journal of Gender Studies 8 (2), 149-168, 2019
‘‘Why She Disappeared’’(A Study of Illeism in Poetic Discourse)
A Alek, AG Marzuki, DN Hidayat, FA Islamiati, AR Raharjo
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature 7 (2), 447-453, 2020
Discourse analysis of grammatical cohesion devices in college students’ academic writing essay
Y Trisnaningrum, A Alek, DN Hidayat
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education) 6 (1), 79-90, 2019
Figurative language used in Blackpink featuring Selena Gomez's song lyric" Ice Cream": A discourse analysis
ST Gunawan, DN Hidayat, A Alek, N Husna
Journal of Applied Studies in Language 5 (1), 1-9, 2021
Nexus Between Quality Of Education, Student Satisfaction And Student Loyalty: The Case Of Department Of English Teacher Education At Universitas Islam Negeri In Indonesia
AA Ratna Sari Dewi, Melinda Roza, Muhamad Taridi
International Journal for Quality Research 15 (1), 89, 2021
Beauty advertisement products in forming the reality of society: a critical discourse analysis
DN Hidayat, D Kusuma, A Alek, R Purwahida, M Defianty
Voices of English Language Education Society 4 (2), 191-198, 2020
Conversational Strategies Used by Women Speakers in Same-Sex Communication: A Research on Noor Tagouri Podcast
DR Muthia, DN Hidayat, A Alek
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and …, 2021
Turn Taking in Mata Najwa Talk Show" Ragu-Ragu Perpu" Episode: A Conversational Analysis
F Habibi, DN Hidayat, A Alek
Journal of Pragmatics Research 2 (1), 80-96, 2020
An analysis of figurative language in Maroon 5–Nobody’s Love song lyrics
F Muhammad, DN Hidayat, A Alek
Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra 13 (1), 32-38, 2021
A critical discourse analysis of Kim Namjoon’s (RM’S) speech
U Hasanah
Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut, 2019
A critical discourse analysis of Bintang Emon’s humor discourse entitled ‘Ga Sengaja’
R Rahman, DN Hidayat, A Alek
Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities 8 (2), 94-105, 2021
Given and New Information in Barack Obama’s Remarks: A Syntactic Form Analysis
H Herdiana, DN Hidayat, A Alek, N Husna
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching 8 (4), 458-464, 2020
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