Ramón Núñez Sánchez
The impact of public reforms on the productivity of Spanish ports: A parametric distance function approach
R Núñez-Sánchez, P Coto-Millán
Transport Policy 24, 99-108, 2012
Performance of knowledge interactions between public research centres and industrial firms in Spain: a project-level analysis
R Núñez-Sánchez, A Barge-Gil, A Modrego-Rico
The Journal of Technology Transfer 37, 330-354, 2012
Developing indicators to measure technology institutes' performance
A Modrego-Rico, A Barge-Gil, R Núñez-Sánchez
Research Evaluation 14 (2), 177-184, 2005
Game theory and port economics: a survey of recent research
S Hidalgo‐Gallego, R Núñez‐Sánchez, P Coto‐Millán
Journal of Economic Surveys 31 (3), 854-877, 2017
The impact of airport fees on fares for the leisure air travel market: The case of Spain
R Sainz-González, R Núnez-Sánchez, P Coto-Millán
Journal of Air Transport Management 17 (3), 158-162, 2011
Regional public support to airlines and airports: An unsolved puzzle
R Núñez-Sánchez
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 76, 93-107, 2015
Determinants of demand for international maritime transport: An application to Spain
P Coto-Millán, J Banos-Pino, R Sainz-González, MA Pesquera-González, ...
Maritime Economics & Logistics 13, 237-249, 2011
Public regulation and passengers importance in port infrastructure costs
R Núñez-Sánchez, S Jara-Díaz, P Coto-Millán
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 45 (7), 653-666, 2011
Marginal costs, price elasticities of demand, and second-best pricing in a multiproduct industry: an application for Spanish port infrastructure
R Núñez-Sánchez
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 47 (3), 349-369, 2013
Port allocative efficiency and port devolution: a study for the Spanish port authorities (1992-2016)
S Hidalgo-Gallego, R Núñez-Sánchez, P Coto-Millán
Maritime Policy & Management 49 (1), 39-61, 2022
Research and technology organisations: how do they manage their knowledge?
A Barge-Gil, AB Lemus-Torres, R Núñez-Sánchez, A Modrego-Rico
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7 (6 …, 2007
Estimation of foreign MNEs spillovers in Spain
A Barge-Gil, A López, R Núñez-Sánchez
Applied Economics Letters 26 (5), 418-423, 2019
Technological spillovers from multinational firms
A Barge‐Gil, A López, R Núñez‐Sánchez
The World Economy 43 (12), 3184-3202, 2020
Estimation of allocative efficiency in airports for a pre-privatization period
S Hidalgo-Gallego, V Martínez-San Román, R Núñez-Sánchez
The Economics of Airport Operations 6, 69-95, 2017
Strategic interdependence in capacity expansion: A spatial analysis for port infrastructure services
S Hidalgo-Gallego, R Núñez-Sánchez, P Coto-Millán
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 143, 14-29, 2021
Cambio tecnológico y eficiencia económica en la gestión de las infraestructuras portuarias españolas.
R Núñez Sánchez, P Coto Millán, MÁ Pesquera González
Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros (FUNCAS), 2012
Un modelo genérico de funcionamiento para los centros tecnológicos españoles.
AB Gil, RN Sánchez, AM Rico
Iniciativa emprendedora y empresa familiar, 124, 2004
Demand uncertainty and overcapacity in port infrastructures: the role of passengers and the effect of regulation
S Hidalgo Gallego, R Núñez Sánchez, P Coto Millán
UNED. Departamento de Economía Aplicada y Estadística, 2015
The impact of public reforms on the productivity of the Spanish ports: A parametric distance function approach
R Núñez Sánchez, P Coto Millán
Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros (FUNCAS), 2010
Efficiency Stochastic Frontiers: a Panel Data Analysis for Spanish Airports (1992–1994)
P Coto-Millán, G Carrera-Gómez, J Castanedo-Galán, MA Pesquera, ...
Essays on Transport Economics, 121-126, 2007
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