Marieli de Lima
Marieli de Lima
Professora no curso de Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) Campus
在 ufu.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Surface response methodology for the optimization of lipase production under submerged fermentation by filamentous fungi
LM Colla, AL Primaz, S Benedetti, RA Loss, M Lima, CO Reinehr, ...
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 47, 461-467, 2016
Technological aspects of kombucha, its applications and the symbiotic culture (SCOBY), and extraction of compounds of interest: A literature review
MG Soares, M de Lima, VCR Schmidt
Trends in Food Science & Technology 110, 539-550, 2021
Isolamento e seleção de fungos para biorremediação a partir de solo contaminado com herbicidas triazínicos
LM Colla, AL Primaz, M Lima, TE Bertolin, JAV Costa
Ciência e Agrotecnologia 32, 809-813, 2008
Isolation and screening of fungi to bioremediation from triazine herbicide contaminated soil
LM Colla, AL Primaz, M Lima, TE Bertolin, JAV Costa
Ciencia e agrotecnologia 32, 809-813, 2008
Application of CO2 in Perna perna Mussel: Evaluation of Absorption Mechanism During Soluble Gas Stabilization (SGS) Process
M de Lima, LS Soares, JV Tosati, LA Lerin, JV de Oliveira, AR Monteiro
Food engineering reviews 7, 250-257, 2015
Evaluation of the processing of Perna perna mussels: the influence of water quality involved in the cooling operations in the physico‐chemical and microbiological …
M de Lima, MCL Melo, AR Monteiro
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 93 (13), 3322-3329, 2013
Peracetic acid application as an antimicrobial and its residual (HEDP): A holistic approach on the technological characteristics of chicken meat
HC de Rezende, M de Lima, LD Santos
Poultry Science, 103003, 2023
Mussel (Perna perna) Processing by an Alternative Method and Packaging Under Modified Atmosphere to Improve Physicochemical and Microbiological …
MD Lima, C Siga, F Leitempergher, LA Lerin, LS Soares, JV Tosati, ...
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 41 (3), e12923, 2017
Selection of lipase-producing microorganisms through submerged fermentation
LM Colla, A Lazzarotto Primaz, S Benedetti, RA Loss, M Lima, ...
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 65 (7-8), 483-488, 2010
Effect of supercritical carbon dioxide processing on Vibrio parahaemolyticus in nutrient broth and in oysters (Crassostrea gigas)
KHO de Matos, LA Lerin, D Soares, LS Soares, M de Lima, AR Monteiro, ...
Journal of food science and technology 55, 4090-4098, 2018
Evaluation of CO2 absorption and desorption rate in oysters (Cassostrea gigas) using the soluble gas stabilisation method
L Santos Soares, JV Tosati, M de Lima, LA Lerin, AR Monteiro
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 50 (5), 1089-1094, 2015
Potential applications of environmentally friendly nanoparticles in food matrices: A review
MG Soares, GC Bevilaqua, M De Lima
Food and Bioprocess Technology 16 (12), 2742-2760, 2023
Avaliação das condições de processamento de mexilhões Perna perna pré-cozidos e resfriados
M de Lima
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós …, 2010
Determination of CO2 solubility in Perna perna mussel and analysis of the suitability of the ideal and non-ideal gas models
LLF Cavalcanti, DO Silva, LA Lerin, AR Monteiro, M de Lima
Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis 7, 100075, 2022
Investigation of soluble gas stabilization combined with modified atmosphere packaging on the shelf life of cooked blue mussels (Mytilus edulis)
M de Lima, BT Rotabakk, LA Lerin, AR Monteiro, M Sivertsvik
Research, Society and Development 10 (6), e4310615463-e4310615463, 2021
Aplicação do CO2 para aumento da vida útil de mexilhão Perna perna (L) e Mytillus edulis: processo de pré-solubilização e acondicionamento sob atmosfera modificada ativa. 229 p
Tese (Doutorado)-Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico …, 2014
Characterization of quail egg powders obtained by liquid egg drying and foam‐mat drying
CA Moreira, MF Zotarelli, M de Lima
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 103 (4), 1810-1820, 2023
As implicações da senciência de peixes: qual é o impacto do bem-estar animal na piscicultura e na qualidade da carne?
LN Fernandes, LM de Melo, M de Lima
Revista Principia-Divulgação Científica e Tecnológica do IFPB, 2022
Stability evaluation of quail egg powder obtained by freeze-drying
MA Nunes, CA Moreira, LS Soares, MF Zotarelli, M de Lima
Research, Society and Development 10 (14), e184101420930-e184101420930, 2021
Mass transfer and physicochemical characteristics of turkey neck meat during dry salting
JCM Mota, LLF Cavalcanti, LS Soares, M de Lima
Scientia Plena 16 (10), 2020
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