Maria Anna Donati
The development and testing of a new version of the cognitive reflection test applying item response theory (IRT)
C Primi, K Morsanyi, F Chiesi, MA Donati, J Hamilton
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 29 (5), 453-469, 2016
A model to explain at-risk/problem gambling among male and female adolescents: Gender similarities and differences
MA Donati, F Chiesi, C Primi
Journal of Adolescence 36 (1), 129-137, 2013
Gaming among children and adolescents during the COVID-19 lockdown: The role of parents in time spent on video games and gaming disorder symptoms
MA Donati, CA Guido, G De Meo, A Spalice, F Sanson, C Beccari, C Primi
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (12), 6642, 2021
Versatility and addiction in gaming: The number of video-game genres played is associated with pathological gaming in male adolescents
MA Donati, F Chiesi, G Ammannato, C Primi
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 18 (2), 129-132, 2015
Prevention of problematic gambling behavior among adolescents: Testing the efficacy of an integrative intervention
MA Donati, C Primi, F Chiesi
Journal of Gambling Studies 30, 803-818, 2014
Are there gender differences in cognitive reflection? Invariance and differences related to mathematics
C Primi, MA Donati, F Chiesi, K Morsanyi
Thinking & Reasoning 24 (2), 258-279, 2018
The suitability of the South Oaks Gambling Screen–Revised for Adolescents (SOGS-RA) as a screening tool: IRT-based evidence.
F Chiesi, MA Donati, S Galli, C Primi
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 27 (1), 287, 2013
Psychometric properties of the Gambling Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS) in young Italian gamblers
MA Donati, F Ancona, F Chiesi, C Primi
Addictive Behaviors 45, 1-7, 2015
Gambling-related distortions and problem gambling in adolescents: A model to explain mechanisms and develop interventions
MA Donati, F Chiesi, A Iozzi, A Manfredi, F Fagni, C Primi
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2243, 2018
A mediation model to explain decision making under conditions of risk among adolescents: the role of fluid intelligence and probabilistic reasoning
MA Donati, A Panno, F Chiesi, C Primi
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 36 (6), 588-595, 2014
Validity and reliability of the Italian version of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS) and its invariance across age and gender
C Primi, R Narducci, D Benedetti, M Donati, F Chiesi
Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology 18 (4), 231-241, 2011
Why women take fewer risk than men do: the mediating role of state anxiety
A Panno, MA Donati, M Milioni, F Chiesi, C Primi
Sex Roles 78, 286-294, 2018
Being a gambler during the COVID-19 pandemic: a study with Italian patients and the effects of reduced exposition
MA Donati, S Cabrini, D Capitanucci, C Primi, R Smaniotto, M Avanzi, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (2), 424, 2021
The Early Elementary School Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (the EES-AMAS): A New Adapted Version of the AMAS to Measure Math Anxiety in Young Children
C Primi, MA Donati, VA Izzo, V Guardabassi, PA O’Connor, C Tomasetto, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1014, 2020
Applying item response theory to develop a shortened version of the need for cognition scale
F Chiesi, K Morsanyi, MA Donati, C Primi
Advances in cognitive psychology 14 (3), 75, 2018
Assessing math attitude through the Attitude Toward Mathematics Inventory–Short form in introductory statistics course students
C Primi, A Bacherini, C Beccari, MA Donati
Studies in Educational Evaluation 64, 100838, 2020
Time perspectives and gambling in adolescent boys: Differential effects of present-and future-orientation
MA Donati, E Sottili, K Morsanyi, C Primi
Journal of gambling studies 35, 107-124, 2019
Measuring probabilistic reasoning: The construction of a new scale applying item response theory
C Primi, K Morsanyi, MA Donati, S Galli, F Chiesi
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 30 (4), 933-950, 2017
Trait emotional intelligence is related to risk-taking through negative mood and anticipated fear
A Panno, MA Donati, F Chiesi, C Primi
Social Psychology, 2015
Measuring problematic Facebook use among adolescents and young adults with the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale: a psychometric analysis by applying item response theory
C Primi, G Fioravanti, S Casale, MA Donati
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (6), 2979, 2021
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