Arash Hajikhani
Cloud-based bibliometric analysis service for systematic mapping studies
A Knutas, A Hajikhani, J Salminen, J Ikonen, J Porras
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2015
Mapping inclusive innovation: A bibliometric study and literature review
S Mortazavi, MH Eslami, A Hajikhani, J Väätänen
Journal of Business Research 122, 736-750, 2021
Innovation for sustainability: Literature review and bibliometric analysis
L Albareda, A Hajikhani
Innovation for Sustainability: Business Transformations Towards a Better …, 2019
Impact of entrepreneurial ecosystem discussions in smart cities: Comprehensive assessment of social media data
A Hajikhani
Smart Cities 3 (1), 112-137, 2020
Mapping the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in science, technology and innovation: application of machine learning in SDG-oriented artefact detection
A Hajikhani, A Suominen
Scientometrics 127 (11), 6661-6693, 2022
Julkiset hankinnat: Kokonaisvolyymi ja datan hyödyntäminen
M Merisalo, M Naumanen, J Huovari, S Eskola, M Toivanen, P Keskinen, ...
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2021
Research themes in big data analytics for policymaking: Insights from a mixed‐methods systematic literature review
A Suominen, A Hajikhani
Policy & Internet 13 (4), 464-484, 2021
Emergence and development of the cleantech industry: A cognitive construction approach
JP Bergman, A Hajikhani, K Blomqvist
Journal of Cleaner Production 233, 1170-1181, 2019
Return of the Solow-paradox in AI?: AI-adoption and Firm Productivity
A Bäck, A Hajikhani, A Jäger, T Schubert, A Suominen
Centre for Innovation Research (CIRCLE), Lund University, 2022
Emergence and dissemination of ecosystem concept in innovation studies: A systematic literature review study
A Hajikhani
Indicators on firm level innovation activities from web scraped data
S Ashouri, A Suominen, A Hajikhani, L Pukelis, T Schubert, S Türkeli, ...
Data in brief 42, 108246, 2022
A critical review of large language models: Sensitivity, bias, and the path toward specialized ai
A Hajikhani, C Cole
Quantitative Science Studies, 1-22, 2024
Brand analysis in social network services: Results from content analysis in twitter regarding the us smartphone market
A Hajikhani, J Porras, H Melkas
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 14 (02), 1740008, 2017
Cloud-based Patent and Paper Analysis Tool for Comparative Analysis of Research.
S Ranaei, A Knutas, J Salminen, A Hajikhani
CompSysTech, 315-322, 2016
The interrelation of sustainable development goals in publications and patents: A machine learning approach
A Hajikhani, A Suominen
AI+ Informetrics, 183-193, 2021
A quantitative and qualitative approach on the evaluation of technological pathways: A comparative national-scale Delphi study
A Suominen, A Hajikhani, A Ahola, Y Kurogi, K Urashima
Futures 140, 102967, 2022
Connecting firm's web scraped textual content to body of science: Utilizing microsoft academic graph hierarchical topic modeling
A Hajikhani, L Pukelis, A Suominen, S Ashouri, T Schubert, A Notten, ...
MethodsX 9, 101650, 2022
A user perspective on social networking sites
LT Sørensen, J Porras, A Hajikhani, A Hayar
A User Perspective on Social Networking Sites, 2014
A bibliometric study on authorship trends and research themes in knowledge management literature
J Jussila, N Mustafee, H Aramo-Immonen, K Menon, A Hajikhani, ...
International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, 2017
Text mining on job advertisement data: Systematic process for detecting artificialintelligence related jobs
A Bäck, A Hajikhani, A Suominen
AI+ Informetrics, 111-124, 2021
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