Tamara Backovic
Tamara Backovic
University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics
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The analysis of marketing factors influencing consumers’ preferences and acceptance of organic food products—Recommendations for the optimization of the offer in a developing …
B Melovic, D Cirovic, B Dudic, TB Vulic, M Gregus
Foods 9 (3), 259, 2020
Economic growth, energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the countries of the European Union and the Western Balkans
B Pejović, V Karadžić, Z Dragašević, T Backović
Energy Reports 7, 2775-2783, 2021
Attracting green consumers as a basis for creating sustainable marketing strategy on the organic market—relevance for sustainable agriculture business development
B Melović, D Cirović, T Backovic-Vulić, B Dudić, K Gubiniova
Foods 9 (11), 1552, 2020
The impact of online media on parents’ attitudes toward vaccination of children—social marketing and public health
B Melovic, A Jaksic Stojanovic, TB Vulic, B Dudic, E Benova
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (16), 5816, 2020
Attitudes and perceptions of employees toward corporate social responsibility in western Balkan countries: Importance and relevance for sustainable development
B Melovic, N Milovic, T Backovic-Vulic, B Dudic, P Bajzik
Sustainability 11 (23), 6763, 2019
Tourism-led economic growth in Montenegro and Slovenia
S Gričar, Š Bojnec, V Karadžić, T Backović Vulić
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 34 (1), 3401-3420, 2021
Strategic business decision making: the use and relevance of marketing metrics and knowledge management
B Melović, M Dabić, M Vukčević, D Ćirović, T Backović
Journal of Knowledge Management 25 (11), 175-202, 2021
Testing the efficient market hypothesis and its critics-application on the Montenegrin Stock Exchange
TB Vulic
EE Society, In IX Annual Conference, Greece. www. eefs. eu/conf/athens …, 2009
The determinants of xbrl adoption: An empirical study in an emerging economy
T Lakovic, B Rondovic, T Backovic-Vulic, I Ivanovic
Information Systems: 15th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern …, 2019
The Montenegrin capital market: Calendar anomalies
V Karadžić, T Backović-Vulić
Economic Annals 56 (191), 107-121, 2011
Research of Attitudes toward Online Violence—Significance of Online Media and Social Marketing in the Function of Violence Prevention and Behavior Evaluation
B Melović, AJ Stojanović, T Backović, B Dudić, Z Kovačičová
Sustainability 12 (24), 10609, 2020
Economic growth, energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the countries of the European Union and the Western Balkans. Energy Rep 7: 2775–2783
B Pejović, V Karadžić, Z Dragašević, T Backović
Relevance of Okun's law in Montenegro
V Karadzic, T Backovic, J Streimikis
Montenegrin Journal of Economics 17 (1), 59-69, 2021
Attracting Green Consumers as a Basis for Creating Sustainable Marketing Strategy on the Organic Market—Relevance for Sustainable Agriculture Business Development. Foods, 9 …
B Melovic, D Cirovic, T Backovic-Vulic, B Dudić, K Gubinova
Information Systems: 17th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 25–26, 2020, Proceedings
M Themistocleous, M Papadaki, MM Kamal
Springer Nature, 2020
Is digital economy a good samaritan to developing countries?
V Lazović, M Jovović, T Backović, T Djuričković, B Rondović
Sustainability 14 (14), 8471, 2022
Analyzing the factors influencing the formation of the price of electricity in the deregulated markets of developing countries
Z Dragasevic, N Milovic, V Djurisic, T Backovic
Energy Reports 7, 937-949, 2021
Social Entrepreneurship and Development of Local Self-Governments–Evidence from Montenegro
B Melović, I Radević, T Backović-Vulić, M Haček
Lex Localis 18 (4), 855-883, 2020
El impacto de la transformación digital y el marketing digital en la promoción, posicionamiento y comercio electrónico de marca en Montenegro
B Melović, M Jocović, M Dabić, T Backović, B Dudic
Obtenido de https://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii …, 2020
Tourism price normalities in two Adriatic east coast’euro’countries
S Gričar, Š Bojnec, V Karadžić, T Backović
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 35 (1), 4865-4883, 2022
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