L. Jason Krutz
L. Jason Krutz
Director Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute, Mississippi State University
在 msstate.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Reducing herbicide runoff from agricultural fields with vegetative filter strips: a review
LJ Krutz, SA Senseman, RM Zablotowicz, MA Matocha
Weed Science 53 (3), 353-367, 2005
Effects of glyphosate on soil microbial communities and its mineralization in a Mississippi soil
MA Weaver, LJ Krutz, RM Zablotowicz, KN Reddy
Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 63 (4), 388-393, 2007
Solid-phase microextraction for herbicide determination in environmental samples
LJ Krutz, SA Senseman, AS Sciumbato
Journal of Chromatography A 999 (1-2), 103-121, 2003
Agronomic and environmental implications of enhanced s‐triazine degradation
L Jason Krutz, DL Shaner, MA Weaver, RMT Webb, RM Zablotowicz, ...
Pest Management Science: Formerly Pesticide Science 66 (5), 461-481, 2010
Soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization as affected by atrazine and glyphosate
R Haney, S Senseman, L Krutz, F Hons
Biology and fertility of Soils 35, 35-40, 2002
Drought stress has transgenerational effects on soybean seed germination and seedling vigor
C Wijewardana, KR Reddy, LJ Krutz, W Gao, N Bellaloui
PloS one 14 (9), e0214977, 2019
Atrazine Dissipation in s‐Triazine–Adapted and Nonadapted Soil from Colorado and Mississippi: Implications of Enhanced Degradation on Atrazine Fate and …
LJ Krutz, DL Shaner, C Accinelli, RM Zablotowicz, WB Henry
Journal of environmental quality 37 (3), 848-857, 2008
Quantifying soil moisture deficit effects on soybean yield and yield component distribution patterns
C Wijewardana, KR Reddy, FA Alsajri, JT Irby, J Krutz, B Golden
Irrigation Science 36, 241-255, 2018
Rice (Oryza sativa) response to drift rates of glyphosate
CH Koger, DL Shaner, LJ Krutz, TW Walker, N Buehring, WB Henry, ...
Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 61 (12), 1161-1167, 2005
Biological responses to glyphosate drift from aerial application in non‐glyphosate‐resistant corn
KN Reddy, W Ding, RM Zablotowicz, SJ Thomson, Y Huang, LJ Krutz
Pest Management Science 66 (10), 1148-1154, 2010
Physiological assessment of water deficit in soybean using midday leaf water potential and spectral features
C Wijewardana, FA Alsajri, JT Irby, LJ Krutz, B Golden, WB Henry, W Gao, ...
Journal of Plant Interactions 14 (1), 533-543, 2019
Irrigation water management practices that reduce water requirements for Mid‐South furrow‐irrigated soybean
CJ Bryant, LJ Krutz, L Falconer, JT Irby, CG Henry, HC Pringle III, ...
Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 3 (1), 1-7, 2017
Rapid development of enhanced atrazine degradation in a Dundee silt loam soil under continuous corn and in rotation with cotton
RM Zablotowicz, LJ Krutz, KN Reddy, MA Weaver, CH Koger, MA Locke
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 55 (3), 852-859, 2007
Selective enrichment of a pyrene degrader population and enhanced pyrene degradation in Bermuda grass rhizosphere
LJ Krutz, CA Beyrouty, TJ Gentry, DC Wolf, CM Reynolds
Biology and Fertility of Soils 41, 359-364, 2005
Nitrogen sources and timing effects on nitrogen loss and uptake in delayed flood rice
KA Dillon, TW Walker, DL Harrell, LJ Krutz, JJ Varco, CH Koger, MS Cox
Agronomy Journal 104 (2), 466-472, 2012
Enhanced degradation of atrazine under field conditions correlates with a loss of weed control in the glasshouse
LJ Krutz, RM Zablotowicz, KN Reddy, CH Koger Iii, MA Weaver
Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 63 (1), 23-31, 2007
Interactions of tillage and cover crop on water, sediment, and pre‐emergence herbicide loss in glyphosate‐resistant cotton: Implications for the control of glyphosate‐resistant …
LJ Krutz, MA Locke, RW Steinriede Jr
Journal of environmental quality 38 (3), 1240-1247, 2009
Adsorption and desorption of atrazine, desethylatrazine, deisopropylatrazine, and hydroxyatrazine in vegetated filter strip and cultivated soil
LJ Krutz, SA Senseman, KJ McInnes, DA Zuberer, DP Tierney
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 51 (25), 7379-7384, 2003
Microbial and vegetative changes associated with development of a constructed wetland
MA Weaver, RM Zablotowicz, LJ Krutz, CT Bryson, MA Locke
Ecological Indicators 13 (1), 37-45, 2012
Mineralisation of atrazine, metolachlor and their respective metabolites in vegetated filter strip and cultivated soil
LJ Krutz, TJ Gentry, SA Senseman, IL Pepper, DP Tierney
Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 62 (6), 505-514, 2006
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